
Thursday, November 10, 2016

SHAREPOINT COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER - US election is not the only news!!

Hi everyone,

As ever we have some fantastic news and links from around the community. Other than the US election result, the recent launch of Microsoft's Teams is getting a LOT of headlines. We've shared some below :)

[Sponsored] SharePoint Permissions Management Tool Certified for Code Quality

DeliverPoint by Lightning Tools is a SharePoint Permissions Management Tool for SharePoint On-Premises and SharePoint Online. DeliverPoint allows Site Owners and Site Collection Administrators to report and manage permissions with ease. The reporting is accurate and shows everyone who has permissions even if they were granted through Active Directory Groups. Management features allow for Copy, Transfer, Delete, Clone, Revoking of permissions along with Dead Account Removal, Auditing of Permissions and Alerts. We are proud to announce that DeliverPoint for SharePoint On-Premises and the Add-In for SharePoint Online has now also been awarded the code quality certification by Rencore. Find out more

[Sponsored] Are You One of the 17.4% with a Data Breach? How Do You Know?

17.4% of content uploaded to Office 365 contains a security exposure. The problem is finding what’s inside your content, where standard descriptors aren’t available. Using conceptClassifier for SharePoint or conceptClassifier for Office 365 means you have a 0% likelihood of a data breach. Define the phrases or descriptors that you want identified and protected, and classify your content as it is created or ingested. Automatically identified exposures will be routed to a secure repository, and prevented from being downloaded. You are safe. Read about it here

Introducing Microsoft Teams—the chat-based workspace in Office 365

Hot news of the Microsoft Teams launch and a good overview to introduce you to the concept. - Read more 

Dear Microsoft: I’m Confused. Can You Help Me Collaborate Well?

A great post from Marc D Anderson explaining how he generally loves MS Teams but also finds the communications story still a little confusing. - Read more

FAQ about Microsoft Teams

We took MS Teams for a test-drive last week and loved it. At Collaboris, we currently use Slack and if the story for external users improves, we'll be making the switch. With Teams, Microsoft are finally pulling all their Office 365 tech together under one 'collaboration roof'. However, the more you 'play' the more questions you start to have, so here is a good set of FAQ's from Microsoft. - Read more

SharePoint Server 2016 Feature Pack

We don't want to make this all about MS teams. Here we have a great post about the roll out of the first feature pack for SharePoint Server 2016.- Read more

Questions from the Community

Can you help with any of these questions from the community?

Thanks for taking the time to read the newsletter, that’s all for this week

by Fraser Beadle via Everyone's Blog Posts - SharePoint Community

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