
Thursday, November 8, 2018

Create Nested Sub-site With ChangeBot

Create Nested Sub-site With ChangeBot (Relative URL)

We always recommend you create a site collection for every extranet site you create. There are many reasons why this is the preferred method, however, some of our customers have found that multiple levels of sub-sites are best for their environment. These customers still want to use ChangeBot to automatically create sites, add users, and other general maintenance items on these nested sub-sites but run into an issue with how to populate the URL. Do you allow your users to manually enter it and possible have a typo?

Below are the steps for setting up your ChangeBot Request Profile so that you can successfully build your Relative URL and provision a site at a subsite level. In the steps below, we have two variables that can be populated with a drop down box (Inputs.Subsite and Inputs.SiteTitle) and the key to making it work correctly is in Step 10... using $inputs.Subsite/$Inputs.SiteTitle to define our Subsite and sub-subsite title to form the URL.

Example Usage:

  1. Create an Input Property cooresponding to the subsite name
  2. Generate site collection property output through Create Site Collection Activity
  3. Create a new activity in the execution plan of your request profile
  4. Set the Activity Type to Create Site
  5. Click the function button next to the Site Collection box
  6. Click the Property Group drop down and select Execution Properties
  7. Click the Property drop down and select the Properties.[SiteCollectionProperty] that was previously defined
  8. Click OK
  9. Click the the editor button next to the Relative URL box (this variable will be added after the site collection name in the URL)
  10. Define the Relative URL using a combination of text and variable input properties (i.e. $inputs.Subsite/$Inputs.SiteTitle)
  11. Click Save
  12. Click the editor box next to Title
  13. Define the title using a combination of text and variable input properties (i.e. "Text" $Inputs.SiteName)
  14. Click Save
  15. Click the editor button next to the Description box
  16. Specify the description using a combination of text and variable input properties (i.e. "Text" $Inputs.SiteName "Text")
  17. Click Save
  18. Click the function button next to the Locale Id box
  19. Click the Property Group drop down and select Global Properties
  20. Click the Property drop down and select System.Locale.English.US.ID

    English is the only Locale Id available by default.  You must install language packs and manually add additional global properties to make them available
  21. Click OK
  22. Click the function button next to the Site Definition box
  23. Click the Property Group drop down and select Global Properties
  24. Click the Property drop down and select the desired Site Definition (i.e. Sharepoint.SiteDefinitions.TeamSite)
  25. Click OK
  26. Click the function button next to the Use Unique Permissions box
  27. Click the Property Group drop down and select Global Properties
  28. Click the Property drop down and select True to break permission inheritance or False to inherit permissions
  29. Click OK
  30. For the Site output box, specify an Output variable that can be used for other steps in the Activity Plan

  31. Click Save
After following all the above steps, you should now be able to populate the relative URL with a path to provision your sub-site within a sub-site.

    by (Johnathan Horton) via SharePoint Solutions Blog

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