Thursday, June 29, 2017

Want to Get a Look at the New Communication Sites? Here’s a Trick!

If you’re like me, words can be confusing. When Andy Haon (@AndyHaon) tweeted that Communication sites were starting to roll out, I wanted to get a look. However, I didn’t see the option in my First Release tenant. I wondered what “Select Users” meant and whether I wasn’t one somehow.

Luckily for me, Twitter is really useful for stuff like this. Rick de Vries (@RickdeVries) pointed out that there a two “flavors” of First Release – First release for everyone and First release for selected users.

By switching my tenant so that Julie (@jfj1997) and I are “selected users” instead of just having the tenant-wide setting, we can now see the option to create Communication sites.

Here’s how you do this, assuming you have administrative permissions.

Got to the Admin center and click on Settings / Organizational profile / Release preferences. There you’ll see the two different First Release options:

For more information, check out Set up the Standard or First Release options in Office 365. I couldn’t figure out how to get the UI to add individual users to work, so I ended up uploading a csv file with our two email addresses. #YMMV Note that it took at least a few hours (possibly overnight) for me to see the Communication site option.

Et voila! We can now create Communication sites from the SharePoint home page.

by Marc D Anderson via Marc D Anderson's Blog

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Communication sites are rolling out NOW!!

Last month during Microsoft’s Virtual Summit, Communication Sites were unveiled to the world. This is something that had been on the table for some time, had always been mentioned as something that was coming no-one had ever really seen it. 

Well at that event they were officially demonstrated allowing you to create internal-company campaign sites. These sites can be created using core templates that work well on PC. MAC and SharePoint Mobile App.

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by via SharePoint Pro

Monday, June 26, 2017

Notes from the field: Microsoft Forms

As you may or may not have seen over the past week or so, Microsoft Forms is now in the process of being rolled out to us all!!

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by via SharePoint Pro

Sunday, June 25, 2017

DFFS v4.4.3.0

After a loooong BETA period, and quite a few modification to DFFS and the plugins, I’m finally ready with a new production release.

There are a few nice additions like better backup / restore functionality with support for creating restore points, and new loader functionality that lets you load different DFFS versions side by side in the same site. This way you can do a gradual upgrade of DFFS  – one form at the time.

Please read the full change log to see all changes. You find the change log here:

Follow the download link here to get the new package.

Please note that the user manual hasn’t been updated yet, but I’ll do my best to update the manual within a few days.

Please post questions in the appropriate forum:

Best regards,


by Alexander Bautz via SharePoint JavaScripts

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Get a Free Visa Gift Card when you sign up for Pluralsight before end of June

As most of you know, I am creating quite a few training courses around SharePoint, PowerShell and Office 365 on Pluralsight! I just received an email that they are running an awesome offer until end of month, where you can get a 10$ e-gift card if you sign up for a monthly subscription, or 30$ if you sign up for a yearly subscription! Click the banner below to learn everything about the offer:

There are currently over 5000 courses in the Pluralsight library and more than 40 hours of SharePoint 2016 content, so you definitely have a lot to learn! If your goal is to get certified, check out some of the free certification guides that I have built:

The post Get a Free Visa Gift Card when you sign up for Pluralsight before end of June appeared first on Absolute SharePoint Blog by Vlad Catrinescu.

by Vlad Catrinescu via Absolute SharePoint Blog by Vlad Catrinescu

Monday, June 19, 2017

Automating SharePoint Administration

For all you SharePoint Administrators, how nice would it be to just automate all things you do, from permission settings, backups, issue resolution to all the 50 million things you do. Well did you know that you can really do that, just by changing the way we all work.

In reality there are a few options available to us for automation, we will discuss each one and the pros and cons.

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by via SharePoint Pro

Retrieving Multiple SharePoint Managed Metadata Columns via REST

I’ve used this code a few times in different project now, and I wanted to post it in case it’s useful for anyone. Most of us know that the REST APIs still have some weaknesses, and working with Managed Metadata is definitely one of them. (See: Let’s Capture Missing or Insufficient SharePoint REST Endpoints)

If you have a couple Managed Metadata columns in your list and you just retrieve the columns in REST like so…

request: {
  method: "GET",
  url: _spPageContextInfo.siteServerRelativeUrl +
      "/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('ListName')/items?" +
      "$select=ID,Title," +
      "MyLocation,MyDepartment" +
  headers: {
      "Accept": "application/json; odata=nometadata"

…you’ll get back data like this:

    "Id": 5,
    "ID": 5,
    "Title": "Item Title",
    "MyDepartment": {
        "Label": "6",
        "TermGuid": "748ca38e-9cea-488f-9a9a-6a20f6dff80a",
        "WssId": 6
    "MyLocation": {
        "Label": "5",
        "TermGuid": "c8cb412b-ed99-4034-8ca7-5019940ec354",
        "WssId": 5

That’s not very helpful at all, since we don’t get the Term itself, just some gobbledy-gook pointers and a GUID. What we really want is the text for the term.

I found a useful thread on SharePoint StackExchange. As is so often the case, Mikael Svenson (@mikaelsvenson) had posted an answer which helped a lot. (We need more Mikael!)

You can do a workaround using the TaxCatchAll field as long as you know which terms belong to which taxonomy field – if you have multiple.

Looking into this, retrieving the TaxCatchAll column was indeed the way to go. By including it in my REST calls, and requesting both the Term and the ID, I could get the text values for the Managed Metadata (aka Taxonomy, aka Term Set-based – seriously, Microsoft???) columns in my list and make sense of them.

At the most basic level, this looks something like this:

request: {
  method: "GET",
  url: _spPageContextInfo.siteServerRelativeUrl +
      "/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('ListName')/items?" +
      "$select=ID,Title," +
      "MyLocation,MyDepartment," +
      "TaxCatchAll/ID,TaxCatchAll/Term," +
      "&$expand=TaxCatchAll" +
  headers: {
      "Accept": "application/json; odata=nometadata"

This “expands” the Managed Metadata columns, returning the text for the terms. But don’t get too excited too fast! We gain the term text, but lose something else (of course!). The data you get back looks something like this:

    "Id": 5,
    "ID": 5,
    "Title": "Item Title",
    "TaxCatchAll": [{
        "ID": 5,
        "Term": "Lab 2B"
    }, {
        "ID": 6,
        "Term": "Histology"
    "MyDepartment": {
        "Label": "6",
        "TermGuid": "748ca38e-9cea-488f-9a9a-6a20f6dff80a",
        "WssId": 6
    "MyLocation": {
        "Label": "5",
        "TermGuid": "c8cb412b-ed99-4034-8ca7-5019940ec354",
        "WssId": 5

So we have the text for the terms, but we basically lose the ability to know which is which. Or do we?

When we request the TaxCatchAll/ID property, we get the ID property which ties everything together, though you probably won’t find much documentation on this anywhere. In my example above, the value with ID=5 matches WssId=5 and so on.

I couldn’t find a post anywhere with code that tied all this together, so here we are. I’ve written a little function you can call to get the right values easily called getTaxonomyValue. You call it like this:

getTaxonomyValue(obj, "MyLocation")


  • obj = the row of data (stored as an object in JSON),
  • fieldName = the name of the column for which you want to grab the term text

Note that I make almost all my REST calls with odata=nometadata these days to reduce the payloads as much as possible; I haven’t tested this with the other variants.

function getTaxonomyValue(obj, fieldName) {

  // Iterate over the fields in the row of data
  for (var field in obj) {
      // If it's the field we're interested in....
      if (obj.hasOwnProperty(field) && field === fieldName) {
          if (obj[field] !== null) {
              // ... get the WssId from the field ...
              var thisId = obj[field].WssId;
              // ... and loop through the TaxCatchAll data to find the matching Term
              for (var i = 0; i < obj.TaxCatchAll.length; i++) {
                  if (obj.TaxCatchAll[i].ID === thisId) {
                      // Augment the fieldName object with the Term value
                      obj[field].Term = obj.TaxCatchAll[i].Term;
                      return obj[field];
  // No luck, so return null
  return null;


Calling this function matches the WssID and ID values within the object and returns the value you actually want.


by Marc D Anderson via Marc D Anderson's Blog

Friday, June 16, 2017

Using Azure Functions within SharePoint

By now you should have heard about Azure Function and how powerful they can be, not just for SharePoint. In case you haven’t heard about them let’s review what they are and how to use them in general.

What are Azure Functions?

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by via SharePoint Pro

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Using Azure Bot Services

I am sure by now you have heard about Bots, and not talking about Robots either. I am talking about the little auto chat bots that can chat with you, help you but have no actual real person behind them. I am sure you have used one whether on a shopping site, or even something like Siri or Cortana, maybe even used Alexa on an Amazon device too. This technology is fantastic and what is great is that it is available through Azure Services for us to integrate with our custom applications.

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by via SharePoint Pro

You cannot add HTML to Calculated fields in SharePoint Online Starting Today

Microsoft just published a new support article stating that you cannot use calculated fields to display HTML anymore. I know a lot of people were using this to for example show KPIs, or do some conditional formatting. This change was announced on June 13th 2017 and taking effect as of June 13th 2017 , so not giving companies a lot of time before things start breaking … however an Administrator can open a support ticket and extend this functionality until September 10th , when this will completely stop working.

For SharePoint On-Premises, Microsoft will include a new Web-Application level setting in SharePoint 2013/2016 starting in the July 2017 PU which will allow you to either enable or block this feature at the Web Application level. Here is the full announcement:

Calculated Fields

In Microsoft SharePoint lists and libraries, calculated fields that are running in the classic UI mode can be used to display results based on Excel-like formulas. This is a long standing capability, and is documented in Calculate data in lists or libraries.

Some users have added HTML markup or script elements to calculated fields. This is an undocumented use of the feature, and we will begin blocking execution of custom markup in calculated fields in SharePoint Online from June 13, 2017 onwards. We are also providing this as a configurable option for on-premises in SharePoint Server 2016 and SharePoint Server 2013 via the June 2017 and subsequent Public Updates.

More Information

SharePoint Online

We are changing calculated fields to escape special characters. In some circumstances, this mean that calculated fields that contain any unsupported markup will not display any value. Instead, they’ll be blank in the list view.

This change will take effect on June 13, 2017. Administrators can request an extension through September 10, 2017 at the latest. During this time, special characters will not be escaped in calculated fields. This request can be submitted through Microsoft Support. However, beginning September 10, 2017, all unsupported markup will be ignored.

SharePoint Server 2013 and SharePoint Server 2016

The June 2017 Public Update (PU), and subsequent PUs will include a new web application setting that’s called CustomMarkupInCalculatedFieldDisabled. This setting will enable an on-premises administrator to configure whether or not calculated fields in a given web application will escape special characters.

Here’s the default behavior for existing and new web applications at the time of the update installation.

Web app type Default setting
Newly created web app after the update is installed Escape special characters in calculated fields
Existing web app after the update is installed Don’t escape special characters in calculated fields

You can also view it on Microsoft Support Here: Handling HTML markup in SharePoint calculated fields. Does this change affect you or your users? How do you plan to go around it for those different needs? Will you be requesting an extension until September 10th?

Share the info the comments so we can all help each other and make sure to share this on Social Media so your colleagues will also be aware of the change!

Follow me on Social Media and Share this article with your friends!

Leave a comment and don’t forget to like the Absolute SharePoint Blog Page   on Facebook and to follow me on Twitter here  for the latest news and technical articles on SharePoint.  I am also a Pluralsight author, and you can view all the courses I created on my author page.

The post You cannot add HTML to Calculated fields in SharePoint Online Starting Today appeared first on Absolute SharePoint Blog by Vlad Catrinescu.

by Vlad Catrinescu via Absolute SharePoint Blog by Vlad Catrinescu

Monday, June 12, 2017

Azure Machine Learning Basics

In the round of sessions and announcements made at the Microsoft BUILD 2017 conference were some great things about Azure Machine Learning. You may have heard of these services or may not, either way let’s look at what they are how we can use them.

The machine learning components within Azure are all wrapped into an offering referred to as Microsoft Cognitive Services.

What are the Microsoft Cognitive Services?

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by via SharePoint Pro

Sunday, June 11, 2017

DFFS New BETA version finally ready

I have uploaded a new BETA version of DFFS and plugins.

I’m sorry for the long delay from the previous BETA, and that I cannot give you a production ready release.

Based on feedback from the previous BETA I had to do some changes to how multichoice field triggers was handled, and this turned out to be a bit more complicated than I first anticipated.

When I was at it, I ended up doing quite a bit more work to enhance the DFFS backend experience – with for example better version control and backup and restore functionality.

Read the change log and get the DFFS-package here, and please post any feedback in the forum.

Best regards,

by Alexander Bautz via SharePoint JavaScripts

Friday, June 9, 2017

Notes from the Field: Custom DLP Sensitive Types

If you read the Office 365 messages that appear in your tenant, then you will have noticed that a single announcement about Sensitive Types for Data Loss Prevention. Here's what that means.

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by via SharePoint Pro

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

On-premises Data on the go

With the world rapidly going almost mobile only, the ability to get access to your data all the time, from anywhere is now a core requirement for all organizations. If you have moved to Office 365 then that story becomes much easier as SharePoint is mobile ready, can be accessed on the device natively or by using the mobile app. If you want to take line of business data with you such as reports, then PowerBI comes into play with the mobile app to create a rich mobile experience.

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by via SharePoint Pro

Monday, June 5, 2017

Creating data centric and business automated solutions in Office 365

So, you are using Office 365 for your content now, your users love it, they access each day but in reality, it is only being used as document collaboration, maybe publishing and discussion platform. Now that this is all working, then next step is to build solutions that enhance business and data solutions.

Firstly, if you need to build a solution that is really just data driven and is about presenting data, then of course the service of choice within Office 365 is Power BI.

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by via SharePoint Pro

Friday, June 2, 2017

Consuming Data within SharePoint On-premises

By now you should have realized that SharePoint is a fantastic presentation layer for many other applications. In fact, lots of vendors have written add-ins or components that allow you to surface that line of business application into SharePoint. However, the only real component within SharePoint On-premises for consuming data is Business Data Connectivity services, which works but does not always meet the needs. Outside of that you have the Business Intelligence components within SharePoint such as PerformancePoint that allows you to surface data.

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by via SharePoint Pro