Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Blog Update on the Stores Throwing Food Away – Good Job Woolies, and Spar!

I have to give a big thumbs up to Woolworths who reacted instantly to the blog I wrote last night on food being thrown away.  I got calls and emails from the CEO office and representatives this morning who assured me that this is indeed NOT policy.  It is a well documented instruction on their intranet (score another point there Woolies), that stores either donate to charities and offer it at huge discounts to staff.  The store in Mall of Africa was acting out of instruction and it’s being addressed.  AND the staff on the floors will not be getting intro trouble over this either.  Kudos guys. 🙂










I popped into my Spar on the way home today, straight to the floor manager and again : “How often do you throw food away?”  Instant answer – “we don’t, it all goes to charities every day, they come and fetch it”.  Nice one too Spar.










Jury still out on Checkers and Pick n Pay.

Filed under: Leadership
by Veronique Palmer via Views from Veronique

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