Sunday, December 31, 2017

10 Things to Remember from 2017 Office 365 Year End Recap

I hope you enjoyed my 2018 future of Office 365/ SharePoint predictions.  2017 Was filled with a lot of releases and many new technologies to learn and grow with.  It’s a good day for reflection.  In fact the Tech Community Blog posted 2017 year roundup.


1. Microsoft Teams released with integrated Bot Framework and SharePoint document integration

2. SharePoint Framework SPFx released for Office 365 and for on premise with Feature Pack 2.

3. Teams announced it would replace Skype for Business online.

4. Communication sites & Modern Team Sites released

5. Over 200 data previews formats

6. Modern List improvements

7. StaffHub, Office 365 Education,

8. Flow Released – Integration with Office 365 libraries.  Announcements for more on prem integration in SharePoint 2019.

9. PowerApps Released – Integration with SharePoint libraries.  Announcements for more on prem integration in SharePoint 2019.

10. OneDrive on Demand (Improved sync on demand files for SharePoint doc libraries) with Windows 10 Fall Creators Update.

by Joel Oleson via

Friday, December 29, 2017

Blockchain Pumping New Life Into Old-School Companies Like IBM

IBM was one of the first big companies to see blockchain’s promise, contributing code to an open-source effort and encouraging startups to try the technology on its cloud for free.
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Introducing Mixed Reality & SharePoint Saturday VR #SPSVR See you in AltSpaceVR!

I have to thank my good friend Noah Sparks for tutoring me in VR.  He’s one of the most passionate and has spent a lot of time educating  taking the time to catch me up.  My first intro to mixed reality was with the Hololens at Ignite a few years ago at the LiveTyles booth, where you could see a virtual SharePoint portal as well as interact with any number of 3D objects in their booth.  They allowed me to wander around and experience AR based training from minecraft castle sitting on a Augmented reality table to a 3D video of a guy showing me how to lift weights properly.


Microsoft’s full continuum look at Mixed Reality (Image courtesy Microsoft)

Later about a year ago, I was at SharePoint Saturday Utah and participated in a session with Noah Sparks and Jared Buttars about SharePoint and Mixed Reality.  I was running a live periscope broadcast at the session and there was a lot of excitement and engagement both in the room and from on twitter and periscope.  After the session Noah delivered some 1:1 VR experiences with his VIVE.  Everyone who got a chance to use it was impressed and freaked out with how amazing it was.  Noah invited me over to spend a night experiencing the VR at a more detailed level.  It was that night I first tried Facebook Spaces

In anticipation of my new job at Blizzard and my new found passion for VR, I researched the mixed reality headsets.   I visited two different Microsoft Stores and got demos of the HP headset and at Best Buy got to experience the PS4VR, but ultimately decided to go with the Oculus by Facebook along with a Samsung 360 for 360 3D pictures and video and broadcast recording.

I’m not the only one who has been fascinated and sees a future for AR/VR mixed reality and communication and collaboration.  In fact, at the last Collab 365 they setup a room in AltSpacesVR and a few people had a session in VR.  Pretty cool.  Mark Stokes has done a great job of kicking things off in AltSpaceVR and great news… Microsoft aquired them.  This is another great reason to meet up in Microsoft’s AltSpaceVR.



I think we’re ready for a special event just for the Office 365 SharePoint people to discuss VR in a virtual reality environment.



Clip of What Productivity Looks like in Mixed Reality (Clipped at 13:09)


Interested in being on the committee, speaking, or participating?  Please join me.

Register your interest on EventBrite to be informed about the upcoming #SPSVR…  and Join me in the upcoming planning session for #SPSVR on January 4 Event on AltSpaceVR

At this meeting we will determine format, dates, times, length and room.


Image may contain: screen

SharePoint people gather in AltSpaceVR during session at Collab365.  Notice the showing off of Communities in SharePoint Online in VR.


Are you ready?  Not convinced this is Microsoft’s Next Big Bet, you haven’t been watching.  Look at the Fall Creators update of Windows 10 and Interface is so important. Go to Microsoft Store and look at the investment… check out the demo.  See you in Virtual Reality… in this case… Microsoft AltSpaceVR.

by Joel Oleson via

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Backup and Storage Resolutions to Guard Enterprises in 2018

As the new year approaches, several IT analysts weigh in on their top recommendations for improving backup and storage environments.
by Todd R. Weiss via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

A Future in Gaming: I’m headed for Blizzard Entertainment!

It’s appropriate that early in my career in technology started with morale events based on network gaming found on a hidden share versions of Doom, then later it was Command and Conquer and WarCraft, StarCraft, Duke Nukem and Diablo.  Great memories, tons of fun and strengthened friendships.  We couldn’t wait for those moments when it got quiet with no one left around and the machines became available for something even more powerful than your average productivity tools.  Even early in my marriage we’d come to play networked games on  I’ve always enjoyed gaming, in balance of course.  I gave my notice at Konica Minolta last week and start my new position at Activision | Blizzard Entertainment in Irvine on January 8 as Senior IT Operations Manager responsible for the End User Computing and Windows Core teams.

Activision Blizzard is the world’s most successful standalone interactive entertainment company. Our portfolio includes some of the biggest franchises in all of entertainment, developed by the incredibly talented teams at Activision Publishing, Blizzard Entertainment, King Digital Entertainment, Activision Blizzard Studios, Major League Gaming, and our independent studios, including Toys for Bob, Infinity Ward, Sledgehammer Games and Treyarch.” – Blizzard Careers page

For Christmas I got an Oculus and a gamer VR laptop that will support my new career.  Hope to connect with you on Battle.Net as I build new characters on WOW and Overwatch and whatever else may come along…  More details to come!  My blog will broaden.  You may have noticed I rebranded my blog and you’ll see a broader range of topics from VR to Games and tech gadgets along side the Office 365 and SharePoint content.  You’ll see further improvement in my blog navigation to support those changes.


Will you still be working with SharePoint / Office 365?

Yes, I will be managing the team responsible for SharePoint and Office 365 including the collaboration platforms and productivity tools as well as Azure AD, Identity, Exchange, DNS, Patching, SCCM, and Apple and Macs.  I will be driving the strategy for SharePoint, Office 365, Collaboration and Intranet at Blizzard.  Big responsibility I know.

I do believe jobs will expand in Office 365 and contract in on premises SharePoint especially for developers. I posted 8 predictions for SharePoint in 2018.

Will you still be traveling and speaking at conferences?

Yes, in fact I will be speaking at a number of SharePoint Saturday’s, aOS, and Community Meetups and Industry events  in the first quarter of 2018.  This may change slightly, but at this point my management is supportive of my community work and has offices around the globe they’ve already said they’d like me to visit in Ireland, France, Taiwan, Hong Kong and South Korea and they support me in my endeavors.  I’m already booked for my Madagascar trip in February and Ethiopia/Uganda/Kenya Central Africa Family trip this summer.  Hope you can come to #Blizzcon I’m very excited to add that event to my line up in 2018.

How many countries do you have left?

Not sure what this has to do with my new job, but about 30 countries (of ~197) after what’s already been booked.  I’ve been averaging about 10 new countries a year, but what’s left is getting increasingly difficult and more planning involved, so this may vary.  My priority is my family and work, so this should not interfere.

What do video games have to do with the future of collaboration?

It doesn’t have to, but I do see more and more… a convergence in real time and even near realtime for video, audio, chat, feeds, training, screen sharing and definitely the future of interfaces may have more of a convergence with gaming and collaboration and intranets.  We’ve already seen examples of gamification in Intranets.  I expect to see more culture and gaming represented in chat rooms, Intranet interfaces, and video as these experiences converge.  The future of AR/VR bring a lot of new possibilities to the enterprise by 2021 more than 10% of AR/VR will be purchased for corporate use.

How were things at Konica Minolta?

I have had a great relationship with my boss, and I had a fantastic team, whom I will miss dearly.  After about 3 years at KM, I’ve had a great impact on their practice. Together we’ve been able to accomplish a lot, but this is a fantastic opportunity I couldn’t pass up.  You should never burn bridges, and I can safely say this is amicable.

Have more questions? You can ask me in the comments or on twitter at @joeloleson or at the upcoming events such as #SPSUtah or #SPSSD

by Joel Oleson via

Intranet SharePoint & Office 365 SPS & aOS Events including a meetup in Madagascar

It’s a busy first quarter, but ample opportunities to hear my speak at a number of global and domestic conferences.  Hope to see you there!

SharePoint Saturday San Diego – More info and registration Over 300 registered.  Don’t miss my TED style talk on the future of Intranet Interfaces.

SharePoint Saturday Utah – More info and Registration This annual event is packed with the top SharePoint and Office 365 speakers in the state and brings in speakers from all over the US including many international speakers.  I will be delivering a TED style talk on AR/VR and Intranets with Noah Sparks as well as a break out session where we’ll drill into the future of communication and collaboration as we look at Office 365 from a 360 view.

AOS Comoros is being organized.  Block out Feb 28. More details to come

Indian Ocean Islands Meetups – Last week of Feb and 1st week of March – Register and we’ll reach out to you with the details…  End of Feb beginning of March we are planning a number of Office 365/SharePoint meetups including Mauritius, Reunion, Madagascar, Meyotte and Seychelles.  Even if there’s only one person we’d love to meet up.

Intra.NET Reloaded Boston – April 22-24 Defining the Future of the Digital Workplace.  “North America’s most innovative event on intranet, digital workplace and internal communications.” This will be my first year speaking at the event.  I’ve heard it’s the best industry Intranet event.  I’ll be covering the future of the Intranet…

by Joel Oleson via

8 Predictions for SharePoint & Office 365 in 2018

I’ve done predictions every year for the past few and plan to share some of these at upcoming Predictions Tweetjam #CollabTalk on Thursday, December 28th from 8am to 9am Pacific.  You don’t have to register. Just show up.  I’ll be posting as @joeloleson.  It’s a good opportunity to collaborate.  Scroll down to the bottom to see some old predictions.  Use the comments to let me know how you think I did, or how you think I’m right or wrong.  I promise to respond to any comments on this post.

8 Predictions for SharePoint & Office 365 in 2018

  1. People will look to Skip SharePoint 2016 and go to 2019.  It will be much better received than 2016 was, but it will still be somewhat lackluster (never will it be like it was back in the good old days of dedicated SPCs for SharePoint launches). In the first year of SharePoint 2019 release it will surpass 2016 as an install base.  (2016 still hasn’t surpassed 2013.)
  2. Hub sites will become the preferred way of doing Information Architecture in SharePoint and deep portal structures will be flattened as a best practice.  Note there will be many who cry foul and it will cause heated debates.
  3. OneDrive on Demand will become a great drive to Windows 10.  Sync for SharePoint will be carried along as a benefit and client sync for SharePoint will have its greatest adoption since groove.
  4. Modern Team Sites, Modern Lists, and Themes will soon become consistent with the expectation for status quo for SharePoint and a big line will be drawn for OLD SharePoint vs. New SharePoint based on what comes in 2019 and what’s in O365 now.
  5. WSPs are Dead – The community will abhor them and it will be an insult to think of installing them.  As a result even third party solutions will need to rethink how they not only support apps for online but also on prem.
  6. Groups will cause further confusion in 2018, but Teams will become the darling of Microsoft sales for collab as it activates multiple workloads.
  7. Microsoft AI (Simple automation, auto classification and extraction) will start to make its way into SharePoint Online amongst other workloads.
  8. Simple Communication Site based Intranets (and Intranet in a box solutions) + Hub sites will gain favor for Office 365 adopters.  Deep complicated Intranets will fall out of favor in a huge significant industry wide way.Let me share some of my old predictions… from a post in SharePoint Predictions from December of 2015
  • Microsoft will not consider an Office 365 tenant not fully utilized until SharePoint is in real use – Microsoft has been requiring many workloads. Exchange, OneDrive are not enough.
  • Mobile will become more important in SharePoint world – The SharePoint Mobile app is really a nice app, and the SP Team has committed to making it all responsive and mobile. We are already seeing it in SharePoint Online.
  • SharePoint 2016 will launch to simple fanfare – Yeah. It has been the slowest adopted version of SharePoint.
  • SharePoint gets cool again – Jeff Teper has done a great job of taking back the mantle and making it cool these past two years.  The product team has attracted the necessary talent and made it cool.

by Joel Oleson via

A Future in Gaming: I’m headed for Blizzard Entertainment!

It’s appropriate that early in my career in technology started with morale events based on network gaming found on a hidden share versions of Doom, then later it was Command and Conquer and WarCraft, StarCraft, Duke Nukem and Diablo.  Great memories, tons of fun and strengthened friendships.  We couldn’t wait for those moments when it got quiet with no one left around and the machines became available for something even more powerful than your average productivity tools.  Even early in my marriage we’d come to play networked games on  I’ve always enjoyed gaming, in balance of course.  I gave my notice at Konica Minolta last week and start my new position at Activision | Blizzard Entertainment in Irvine on January 8 as Senior IT Operations Manager responsible for the End User Computing and Windows Core teams.

Activision Blizzard is the world’s most successful standalone interactive entertainment company. Our portfolio includes some of the biggest franchises in all of entertainment, developed by the incredibly talented teams at Activision Publishing, Blizzard Entertainment, King Digital Entertainment, Activision Blizzard Studios, Major League Gaming, and our independent studios, including Toys for Bob, Infinity Ward, Sledgehammer Games and Treyarch.” – Blizzard Careers page

For Christmas I got an Oculus and a gamer VR laptop that will support my new career.  Hope to connect with you on Battle.Net as I build new characters on WOW and Overwatch and whatever else may come along…  More details to come!  My blog will broaden.  You may have noticed I rebranded my blog and you’ll see a broader range of topics from VR to Games and tech gadgets along side the Office 365 and SharePoint content.  You’ll see further improvement in my blog navigation to support those changes.


Will you still be working with SharePoint / Office 365?

Yes, I will be managing the team responsible for SharePoint and Office 365 including the collaboration platforms and productivity tools as well as Azure AD, Identity, Exchange, DNS, Patching, SCCM, and Apple and Macs.  I will be driving the strategy for SharePoint, Office 365, Collaboration and Intranet at Blizzard.  Big responsibility I know.

I do believe jobs will expand in Office 365 and contract in on premises SharePoint especially for developers. I posted 8 predictions for SharePoint in 2018.

Will you still be traveling and speaking at conferences?

Yes, in fact I will be speaking at a number of SharePoint Saturday’s, aOS, and Community Meetups and Industry events  in the first quarter of 2018.  This may change slightly, but at this point my management is supportive of my community work and has offices around the globe they’ve already said they’d like me to visit in Ireland, France, Taiwan, Hong Kong and South Korea and they support me in my endeavors.  I’m already booked for my Madagascar trip in February and Ethiopia/Uganda/Kenya Central Africa Family trip this summer.  Hope you can come to #Blizzcon I’m very excited to add that event to my line up in 2018.

How many countries do you have left?

Not sure what this has to do with my new job, but about 30 countries (of ~197) after what’s already been booked.  I’ve been averaging about 10 new countries a year, but what’s left is getting increasingly difficult and more planning involved, so this may vary.  My priority is my family and work, so this should not interfere.

What do video games have to do with the future of collaboration?

It doesn’t have to, but I do see more and more… a convergence in real time and even near realtime for video, audio, chat, feeds, training, screen sharing and definitely the future of interfaces may have more of a convergence with gaming and collaboration and intranets.  We’ve already seen examples of gamification in Intranets.  I expect to see more culture and gaming represented in chat rooms, Intranet interfaces, and video as these experiences converge.  The future of AR/VR bring a lot of new possibilities to the enterprise by 2021 more than 10% of AR/VR will be purchased for corporate use.

How were things at Konica Minolta?

I have had a great relationship with my boss, and I had a fantastic team, whom I will miss dearly.  After about 3 years at KM, I’ve had a great impact on their practice. Together we’ve been able to accomplish a lot, but this is a fantastic opportunity I couldn’t pass up.  You should never burn bridges, and I can safely say this is amicable.

Have more questions? You can ask me in the comments or on twitter at @joeloleson or at the upcoming events such as #SPSUtah or #SPSSD

by Joel Oleson via

How to Move from a ‘90s Workplace to a Digital Workplace

Sponsored by: SoftwareONE /VMware
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Intranet SharePoint & Office 365 SPS & aOS Events including a meetup in Madagascar

It’s a busy first quarter, but ample opportunities to hear my speak at a number of global and domestic conferences.  Hope to see you there!

SharePoint Saturday San Diego – More info and registration Over 300 registered.  Don’t miss my TED style talk on the future of Intranet Interfaces.

SharePoint Saturday Utah – More info and Registration This annual event is packed with the top SharePoint and Office 365 speakers in the state and brings in speakers from all over the US including many international speakers.  I will be delivering a TED style talk on AR/VR and Intranets with Noah Sparks as well as a break out session where we’ll drill into the future of communication and collaboration as we look at Office 365 from a 360 view.

AOS Comoros is being organized.  Block out Feb 28. More details to come

Indian Ocean Islands Meetups – Last week of Feb and 1st week of March – Register and we’ll reach out to you with the details…  End of Feb beginning of March we are planning a number of Office 365/SharePoint meetups including Mauritius, Reunion, Madagascar, Meyotte and Seychelles.  Even if there’s only one person we’d love to meet up.

Intra.NET Reloaded Boston – April 22-24 Defining the Future of the Digital Workplace.  “North America’s most innovative event on intranet, digital workplace and internal communications.” This will be my first year speaking at the event.  I’ve heard it’s the best industry Intranet event.  I’ll be covering the future of the Intranet…

by Joel Oleson via

CISO Perspective: How using the NIST Cyber Security Framework improves security visibility

Sponsored by: AlienVault
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

How to Manage Today's Roaming Users: Removing Complexity from Identity Management

Sponsored by: Imanami - Thursday, January 25th at 2pm EST
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

2017 Was the Year the Quantified Workplace Hit Our Desktops

The quantified workplace faced growing pains in 2017.
by Lisa Schmeiser via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Next Christmas, How About Some Cybersecurity?

An ITPro Today writer says she doesn't need anything next Christmas, but it would be nice if she can hold on to what she already has.
by Christine Hall via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Microsoft in 2017: Quantum Computing Led the Way

Starting with Microsoft Quantum Computing, then following with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, the company continued to grow their ability to provide customers with the right data at the right time to increase productivity across all aspects of work – both professional and personal.
by Richard Hay via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Public Cloud Vendors Found Unlikely Partners in 2017

Public cloud vendors like AWS and Google partnered with data center juggernauts in 2017 to bring enterprises to the cloud.
by Nicole Henderson via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

2017 Brought More Open Standards for DevOps

The trend towards open standards will not only make life easier for DevOps, they will cut IT costs as well.
by Christine Hall via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Cybersecurity Strategy: Top Security Resolutions for 2018

As the new year approaches, several IT analysts give their top cybersecurity strategy tips and key tasks to target to protect your company's IT assets.
by Todd R. Weiss via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

8 Predictions for SharePoint & Office 365 in 2018

I’ve done predictions every year for the past few and plan to share some of these at upcoming Predictions Tweetjam #CollabTalk on Thursday, December 28th from 8am to 9am Pacific.  You don’t have to register. Just show up.  I’ll be posting as @joeloleson.  It’s a good opportunity to collaborate.  Scroll down to the bottom to see some old predictions.  Use the comments to let me know how you think I did, or how you think I’m right or wrong.  I promise to respond to any comments on this post.

8 Predictions for SharePoint & Office 365 in 2018

  1. People will look to Skip SharePoint 2016 and go to 2019.  It will be much better received than 2016 was, but it will still be somewhat lackluster (never will it be like it was back in the good old days of dedicated SPCs for SharePoint launches). In the first year of SharePoint 2019 release it will surpass 2016 as an install base.  (2016 still hasn’t surpassed 2013.)
  2. Hub sites will become the preferred way of doing Information Architecture in SharePoint and deep portal structures will be flattened as a best practice.  Note there will be many who cry foul and it will cause heated debates.
  3. OneDrive on Demand will become a great drive to Windows 10.  Sync for SharePoint will be carried along as a benefit and client sync for SharePoint will have its greatest adoption since groove.
  4. Modern Team Sites, Modern Lists, and Themes will soon become consistent with the expectation for status quo for SharePoint and a big line will be drawn for OLD SharePoint vs. New SharePoint based on what comes in 2019 and what’s in O365 now.
  5. WSPs are Dead – The community will abhor them and it will be an insult to think of installing them.  As a result even third party solutions will need to rethink how they not only support apps for online but also on prem.
  6. Groups will cause further confusion in 2018, but Teams will become the darling of Microsoft sales for collab as it activates multiple workloads.
  7. Microsoft AI (Simple automation, auto classification and extraction) will start to make its way into SharePoint Online amongst other workloads.
  8. Simple Communication Site based Intranets (and Intranet in a box solutions) + Hub sites will gain favor for Office 365 adopters.  Deep complicated Intranets will fall out of favor in a huge significant industry wide way.Let me share some of my old predictions… from a post in SharePoint Predictions from December of 2015
  • Microsoft will not consider an Office 365 tenant not fully utilized until SharePoint is in real use – Microsoft has been requiring many workloads. Exchange, OneDrive are not enough.
  • Mobile will become more important in SharePoint world – The SharePoint Mobile app is really a nice app, and the SP Team has committed to making it all responsive and mobile. We are already seeing it in SharePoint Online.
  • SharePoint 2016 will launch to simple fanfare – Yeah. It has been the slowest adopted version of SharePoint.
  • SharePoint gets cool again – Jeff Teper has done a great job of taking back the mantle and making it cool these past two years.  The product team has attracted the necessary talent and made it cool.

by Joel Oleson via

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Set Up of Windows 10 on New Devices With These Tips

If you received a new computer over the holidays, it will likely be running Microsoft’s Windows 10. Take some time to get things sorted out before you begin using your new device -- and use our guidelines to set up your new device for optimum performance.
by Richard Hay via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Friday, December 22, 2017

Apple's IPhone Slowdowns Spur Customers to Hurry to Court

At least two groups of customers sued Apple over the deterioration of their phones’ performance.
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Savill's FAQs: Execute a PowerShell script in Windows PE

Three times a week, John Savill tackles your most pressing IT questions. Today learn about using your own images to create a VM using PowerShell, wiping a disk when using the Windows PE environment, and how to execute a PowerShell script in Windows PE.
by John Savill via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Savill's FAQs: Using and managing VHD files in Microsoft Azure

Three times a week, John Savill tackles your most pressing IT questions. Today learn about handling VHD images in Microsoft's Azure cloud service with PowerShell.
by John Savill via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Analyze Your Waits with SQL Dynamic Management View

You can analyze specific waits related to locking in your various SQL Server instances through a query against the sys.dm_os_wait_stats Dynamic Management View. We walk you through the process.
by Tim Ford via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Make a shopping list and add these smart speakers to it

A smart speaker that has a personal digital assistant like Alexa, Cortana, or the Google Assistant embedded in it can really increase your interaction with those services. That means more productivity and capabilities is just a voice command away. So if you need to make a shopping list to cover post-holiday purchases then you should seriously consider adding one of these to your list.
by Richard Hay via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

ITPro SnapShot: What Else Happened This Week? (Dec. 16 - 22, 2017)

ITPro SnapShot offers a short and snappy round-up on the week's industry-related announcements and news around the globe. Here's what happened in the last five days.
by Richard Hay via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Alphabet's Schmidt Hands Reins to Google Founders, Leaders

Schmidt will become a technical adviser to Alphabet while continuing to serve as a director, the company said Thursday in a statement.
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Research: There are Now Close to 400 Hyper-Scale Data Centers in the World

There will be more than 390 hyper-scale data centers in the world by the end of the year. An overwhelming majority of those facilities -- 44 percent -- are in the US, China being a distant second, with 8 percent, followed by Japan, UK, and Germany.
by Yevgeniy Sverdlik via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Thursday, December 21, 2017

SAP’s blockchain strategy to build on supply chain base

The enterprise software giant is leveraging its supply chain customer base and expertise to integrate blockchain technology into its core products.
by Courtney Bjorlin via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Bitcoin Intensifies Pain for Some as Ransom Demands Skyrocket

Once a niche market, ransom insurance is booming as hackers demand bitcoins in ransomware attacks.
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Azure Stack Brings Microsoft's Cloud Outside Microsoft Data Centers

If cloud is a model and not a place, you should be able to have it anywhere.
by Mary Branscombe via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Timeline for Windows Feature Released in RS4 Build 17063

Windows Insiders finally have access to the long-awaited Timeline for Windows feature in Redstone 4 Build 17063. But there is much more than just this one feature in the latest development build of Windows 10.
by Richard Hay via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

DFFS Package updated to v4.4.3.31

I have released a new version of the DFFS package with a few bugfixes and some new functionality.

You find the change log here and the files in the download section of the user manual.

Please post any comments in the forum.

Best regards,

by Alexander Bautz via SharePoint JavaScripts

Add 'Open Command Window Here' to Windows 10 Context Menu

This how-to focuses on bringing back the option to launch the command prompt from the right-click Windows 10 context menu.
by Karim Buzdar via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Apple Is Said to Have Plan to Combine IPhone, IPad, Mac Apps

Starting as early as next year, software developers will be able to design a single application that works with a touchscreen or mouse and trackpad depending on whether it’s running on the iPhone and iPad operating system or on Mac hardware.
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Docker CEO Tries to Navigate Business Threat From Google

While Docker and Kubernetes serve slightly different purposes, customers who choose Google’s tool can avoid paying Docker.
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Juniper Says Its Bots are a Step Toward a "Self-Driving Network"

Autonomous networks can configure, monitor, and manage themselves automatically, with little human intervention.
by Wylie Wong via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

U.S. Says North Korea Was Behind WannaCry Cyberattack Attack

WannaCry crippled parts of the U.K.’s state-run National Health Service and compromised companies such as FedEx Corp. and Nissan Motor Co.
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Enterprise Data Protection and Availability

Sponsored by: IDERA
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Increase SharePoint adoption with user-centric support program

If they focus only on technical troubleshooting and bug fixing, SharePoint support and maintenance teams won’t be happy with the level of user adoption they see.
by Sandra Lupanava via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Monday, December 18, 2017

Hardware Snapshot Orchestration: A Game-Changer from HPE Storage and Veeam

The key feature of Snapshot Orchestration is making the life of admins much simpler.
by Veeam Guest Blogger via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Podcast: What You Need to Know About Managing Office 365

Sponsored by: Liquidware
by Paul Robichaux via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Why the Internet of Things platform market is looking frothy

The number of Internet of Things platforms may have surged in 2017, but that volume may soon begin to shrink, according to an executive at a Silicon Valley-based IoT startup.   
by Brian Buntz via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Savill's FAQs: PowerShell commands for replacing strings in files

Three times a week, John Savill tackles your most pressing IT questions. Today, learning the difference between match and contains in commands, using single character wildcards, and searching and replacing strings in files with PowerShell.
by John Savill via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

IoT device manufacturers must work with network providers

The state of IoT cybersecurity is reaching a tipping point, forcing IoT device manufacturers to work partners that excel at networking.
by Jeff Finn via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Workers Seek New Employers as IT Job Market Strengthens

A new report on the IT job market says that 1 in 3 workers will seek new employers in 2018 in search of higher pay, more skills.
by Todd R. Weiss via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

How to Troubleshoot a SQL Server 2016 Migration

Why is it important to note the distinction between Enterprise and Enterprise Core editions of SQL Server? Because server utilization depends on which one you install.
by Tim Ford via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

SQL Server: Avoiding a Sort with Merge Join Concatenation

There are cases when SQL Server doesn’t normally realize it can rely on index order, but you can make the platform realize it with some extra manipulation and creativity. This article is the first in a two-part series in which I describe such tasks and solutions. This month I’ll talk about avoiding a sort with the Merge Join (Concatenation) operator. Next month I’ll describe avoiding a sort when needing the data in descending order.
by Itzik Ben-Gan via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Open Source Software Is a 2017 Success Story

As 2017 draws to a close, we look at some of the reasons why the use of open source software is growing and will continue to grow in the year ahead.
by Christine Hall via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Friday, December 15, 2017

Google Cloud Migration Helps Etsy Tap Machine Learning

Etsy says its Google Cloud migration will help engineers focus on product, not on-premise system maintenance.
by Nicole Henderson via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

ITPro SnapShot: What Else Happened This Week? (Dec. 9 - 15, 2017)

ITPro SnapShot offers a short and snappy round-up on the week's industry-related announcements and news around the globe. Here's what happened in the last five days.
by Richard Hay via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Savill's FAQs: Enabling Access to Help in PowerShell Sessions

Three times a week, John Savill tackles your most pressing IT questions. Today, find out about configuring PowerShell sessions so the help subsystem is available, receiving alerts when your Azure B series CPU credits are below a certain level, and breaking out of loops in a PowerShell search.
by John Savill via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Juniper Hands OpenContrail SDN to Linux Foundation Before It's Too Late

After failing to develop a community around the project and receiving pushback from a major backer, Juniper may be saving Contrail from becoming irrelevant
by Christine Hall via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

White House IT Modernization Plan Centers on Cybersecurity

Strengthening cybersecurity is the common thread across federal IT modernization initiatives outlined in the government's new plan.
by Nicole Henderson via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

IBM releases code patterns, resources to accelerate IoT development

IBM releases more than 120 code patterns aimed at easing and accelerating development around technologies.
by Courtney Bjorlin via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Oracle Shares Drop After Cloud Sales Fall Short for Some

Cloud revenue in the period ended Nov. 30 gained 44 percent to $1.52 billion, Oracle said Thursday in a statement.
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Microsoft’s Modern Approach to Artificial Intelligence Grows

According to Microsoft, artificial intelligence is a feature that isn’t intended to be right in front of the user’s eyes with buttons labelled "Click here for Artificial Intelligence" or "Apply Artificial Intelligence to This Data." Rather the company is focusing on ways to weave machine learning into a product's core capabilities.
by Richard Hay via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

AI, IoT to Drive Enterprise Public Cloud Growth: Survey

The increase is expected as enterprise IT staffers say they can't keep up with AI, ML and IoT changes, but the public cloud will help them.
by Todd R. Weiss via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Net Neutrality Rules Swept Aside by Republican-Led U.S. FCC

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission swept aside rules barring broadband providers from favoring the internet traffic of websites willing to pay for speedier service.
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Apple Backs Finisar With $390 Million for Face ID Technology

Many of Apple’s new facial-recognition features -- including one in which emojis mimic a person’s facial expressions -- require lasers that track tiny movements.
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

IBM Taps Samsung, Daimler in Quantum Computer Push

By giving the companies access to quantum computers, IBM is banking on hooking them early on the emerging technology so that when more powerful machines are ready, the companies will already be comfortable with the systems.
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Startup offers industrial-strength Blockchain for IoT security

Xage aims to turn industrial cybersecurity on its head with its new Blockchain-based platform.
by Brian Buntz via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Savill's FAQs: Using PowerShell File Comparison Capability

Three times a week, John Savill tackles your most pressing IT questions. Today: Learning about PowerShell file comparison capability; filtering search results containing certain strings; and using the pipeline in PowerShell commands.
by John Savill via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

12 predictions for the IoT market in 2018

The IoT market matured considerably in 2017. In this series of predictions, we take a look at how the industry will continue to grow up next year, while also consolidating.
by Brian Buntz via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

7 Fastest Growing Jobs for IT Pros

Looking for a career change in 2018? Here are the fastest growing jobs for developers, engineers and big data experts.
by Nicole Henderson via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Cisco: 9 percent of consumers have high trust in IoT

Consumers’ low trust in IoT mirrors their attitudes toward microwaves decades ago.
by Brian Buntz via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Startup offers crowdsourcing platform for field service management

A Swiss startup partnering with Siemens draws inspiration from crowdsourcing, as well as a certain ridesharing company.
by Brian Buntz via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

AWS Announces New China Region, but AWS Isn’t the Provider

To comply with regulations, local partners operate Amazon’s cloud in China and act as service providers
by Yevgeniy Sverdlik via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Kubernetes on AWS Leads CNCF Cloud Native Survey

A survey conducted by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation indicates that the deployment of Kubernetes on AWS and other public clouds is on the rise.
by Christine Hall via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Pentagon's Cloud Transition Under Hush Order From Weapons Buyer

Pentagon weapons buyer Ellen Lord has ordered senior officials not to make any further public comments about the Defense Department’s looming initiative to move its data into the cloud.
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Sending Emails from SharePoint Solutions Using Microsoft Flow

It’s not at all unusual to want to send an email from some page in SharePoint where there isn’t a native capability available. While there are lots of external services which can send email for us – like SendGrid – we usually want to keep the email “in house” in an enterprise environment. (In fact, there’s even a connector for SendGrid in Flow.)

While using an external service may not be appealing, even Flow is an “external” service. Once you’re in the cloud, you’re in the cloud. However, it seems to make more sense in many cases to simply use Flow to send emails via the Outlook Send an email action.

I’ve started setting up a generic Send an email Flow to support several client projects, so I figured I’d document what I’ve been doing.

The basic idea here is that I want to be able to call a REST endpoint with the details of the email I’d like to send and have it go out to the recipient(s). There’s no validation or tracking here; I just assume it happens. It wouldn’t be all that hard to add another few steps to log the emails to a SharePoint list or something if that were useful for you.

Flow has a perfect trigger for this: When a HTTP request is received. (I would have gone with When an HTTP request is received, personally.)

Start by creating a Flow “from blank”, meaning without using a template. If you search for HTTP, you’ll find the When a HTTP request is received trigger.

This trigger is a great way to create a poor man’s Web Service, just like we need here. Note that the REST endpoint will be provisioned after you save the Flow, so at this point, we don’t know what it will be, but no matter.

I had decided that my payload for the emails was going to be pretty simple, made up only of the To (recipient), Subject, and Body. That’s all it really takes to make a useful email. To set up a sample payload, I decided what I’d like to send in one of my client side SPAs (Single Page Applications) and dummied up some data, like so:

  "To": "",
  "Subject": "This is the email",
  "Body": "Welcome to Flow!"

The nice thing here is that Flow will generate the schema it needs from sample data like this. Click on Use sample payload to generate schema and paste in your sample data, like so:When you click Done, you’ll see the schema the trigger needs to “understand” the data you will be sending. If you wanted to make changes to the structure of the incoming data, you could paste in a new sample or edit the schema manually.

    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "To": {
            "type": "string"
        "Subject": {
            "type": "string"
        "Body": {
            "type": "string"

Next we simply add a new step to send the email by clicking on New step, then Add an action. I find it by searching for “email”.

Once you’ve chosen that action, you can add the incoming data properties to the properties the Send an email action uses to form the email.

I like to have the option to send HTML emails (all pretty and everything), so I set the Is HTML advanced option to Yes.

Once you’ve saved the Flow, you can go back into it to get the REST endpoint you need to invoke it.

Finally, you’ll want to call the REST endpoint whenever you want to send an email. Here’s an example function I use in one of my Angular-based SPAs. It’s a pretty generic function, and I simply pass in the to, subject, and body values. Any work I need to do to build up those values happens elsewhere. (Lest you think you can use my Flow, I’ve edited the endpoint inventively. My Flow is still in an undisclosed location.)

self.sendEmail = function (to, subject, body) {

    var deferred = $q.defer();

    var emailData = {
        To: to,
        Subject: subject,
        Body: body

    var request = {
        url: "",
        data: angular.toJson(emailData),
        headers: {
            "Accept": "application/json",
            "content-type": "application/json;odata=nometadata"

    var success = function (response) {

    var error = function (response) {

    $http(request).then(success, error);

    return deferred.promise;


And voila! Now you have an easy to use, generic emailing function. One downside to this approach is that the email will be sent using your own connection. For this reason, you may want to set up some fake “users” for the connections in Flow – maybe “SharePoint administrator” or something. I’m hoping the Flow team comes up with a better way for us to manage who the Flow runs as in the future, but for now this works.

by Marc D Anderson via Marc D Anderson's Blog

You Can Log In To Google accounts using Microsoft Cortana

One more step appears to have been taken in the effort to allow multi-platform users access to their calendar and mail of choice using their preferred digital assistant. By enabling users ability to login to Google accounts via Cortana, Redmond and Mountain View show the latest in their cooperation to meet the needs of customers.
by Richard Hay via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Login to Google accounts using Microsoft Cortana

One more step appears to have been taken in the effort to allow multi-platform users access to their calendar and mail of choice using their preferred digital assistant. By enabling users ability to login to Google accounts via Cortana, Redmond and Mountain View show the latest in their cooperation to meet the needs of customers.
by Richard Hay via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

IBM Designs a “Performance Beast” for AI

Powered by its latest Power9 chip and new bandwidth highways, the AC922 is IBM’s latest and most powerful hardware for HPC and AI.
by Wylie Wong via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Podcast: Product Review: CloudBerry Ultimate Backup

Sponsored by: CloudBerry
by Michael Otey via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Building a Well Managed Cloud Application

Sponsored by: Okta
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Monday, December 11, 2017

Savill's FAQs: Advanced Threat Analytics and Domain Controllers

Three times a week, John Savill tackles your most pressing IT questions. Today: Learn about monitoring domain controllers in distributed environments like Azure using Advanced Threat Analytics and controlling their restarts after updates are applied.
by John Savill via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Microsoft Takes Path Less Traveled to Build a Quantum Computer

On Monday, the company unveiled a new programming language called Q# – pronounced Q Sharp – and tools that help coders craft software for quantum computers.
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Harvard Ph.D.'s AI Startup Aims to Help Analysts Triple Coverage

Appetite is booming within the investment industry for analytical tools that parse executive speeches and statements with sophisticated computer programs and mathematical models.
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

How To: Set Up Automatic Restore Points on Windows 10

By enabling automatic restore points on Windows 10, you can have a contingency for recovering from system errors after updating drivers or installing system patches. Here are two methods for creating automatic restore points.
by Karim Buzdar via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Security Sense: Password Policy Prevents Credential Sharing

When an organization – be it public or private sector – stands up a corporate password policy, it’s not “it’d be kinda nice if you did this”, it’s “here are the things you must do."
by Troy Hunt via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Optimize Your Databases Using Foglight for Oracle's Performance Investigator (PI)

Sponsored by: Quest
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Accelerate Database Efficiency with SQL Performance Investigator (PI)

Sponsored by: Quest
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Go Beyond Basic Up/Down Monitoring - Extend the value of SCOM with Foglight for SQL Server

Sponsored by: Quest
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

How a PI can help you solve the mysteries of your database performance

Sponsored by: Quest
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Machine Learning Boosts Cloud Spending at U.S. Defense Dept.

The DoD was slow to use the cloud in the past, but it is now seeking innovative ways to bolster defense systems using AI, AR, Big Data and more.
by Todd R. Weiss via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Hire a PI to solve the mystery behind plan change

Sponsored by: Quest
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Hire a PI to solve blocking locks mysteries

Sponsored by: Quest
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Friday, December 8, 2017

Microsoft Releases First Cross-Platform SQL Operations Studio

This product -- the first new tool for interacting with SQL Server in over a decade -- is the next step towards modernizing the dated SQL Server Management Studio tool.
by Tim Ford via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Savill's FAQs: Bulk changing passwords in Active Directory

Three times a week, John Savill tackles your most pressing IT questions. Today: Learn about changing passwords in bulk for an Active Directory Organizational Unit; how to store arrays of objects in PowerShell long term; and expanding storage to Azure for future use.
by John Savill via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Microsoft and Heptio to Bring 'Ark' to Azure Kubernetes

The open source startup Heptio partnered with Redmond to bring its Kubernetes cluster disaster recovery tool to Microsoft Azure.
by Christine Hall via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

ITPro SnapShot: What Else Happened This Week? (Dec. 1 - 8, 2017)

ITPro SnapShot offers a short and snappy round-up on the week's industry-related announcements and news around the globe. Here's what happened in the last five days.
by Richard Hay via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

12 Predictions for the IoT Market in 2018

The IoT market matured considerably in 2017. In this series of predictions, we take a look at how the industry will continue to grow up next year, while also consolidating.
by Brian Buntz via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

PowerShell: Create Exchange Server 2016 Mailboxes in Bulk

This Exchange Server 2016 article focuses on creating multiple user mailboxes with the help of CSV file and PowerShell.  Step One: Create a Users CSV File You need to have a list of user mailboxes in CSV file. You can create a file with the help of M
by Karim Buzdar via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

There's More Than One Way to Kill a Database Connection

It’s not uncommon for a DBA to have to remove all user connections from a database when performing certain maintenance or upgrade tasks. Here are a few methods for doing so.
by Tim Ford via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Now Tech Moguls Have to Work to Appear Not-Evil

Something weird is happening in the technology industry: Giant companies are suddenly worrying about what people think of them.
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Kubernetes Preview: 'Apps Workloads' Enabled by Default, Windows Capabilities Move Forward

Kubernetes 1.9 will a ready-for-prime-time Apps Workloads, Windows functionality moving into beta and forward moves in storage.
by Christine Hall via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Microsoft Whiteboard App available in Preview for Windows 10

Imagine being able to easily connect with co-workers in the same building, across the country, or around the world to share your ideas right from your desktop. The new Microsoft Whiteboard App Preview enables that capability.
by Richard Hay via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

A cybersecurity researcher forecasts the state of IoT in 2018

While many enterprise companies struggle to or even precisely define what IoT is, the growing number of connected devices is setting the stage for a significant security breach in 2018, warns a senior cybersecurity researcher.
by Brian Buntz via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

How To Use Speech Dictation on Windows 10

The Windows 10 Fall Creators Update has many new features and changes, including dictation, so you can now input English text anywhere on the desktop without typing from the keyboard. To get started with dictation, select the area on your desktop whe
by Karim Buzdar via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Savill's FAQs: PowerShell parameters & removing array entries

Three times a week, John Savill tackles your most pressing IT questions. Today we learn about how to find latencies between data centers in Azure Regions & Availability Zones, short parameters for cmdlets & removing array entries in PowerShell commands.
by John Savill via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

SPJS Charts for SharePoint updated

I have published a new version of SPJS Charts for SharePoint with a few minor changes. You find the change log here.

I plan to update the solution to use REST queries from the next version. The next version will therefore drop support for SharePoint versions prior to SP 2013. 

Please post any questions in the forum.


by Alexander Bautz via SharePoint JavaScripts

Google Blocks YouTube Access From Amazon's Streaming Devices

Google isn’t the only competitor that has seen its products blocked from Amazon’s site. After being pulled from the No. 1 e-commerce site in 2015, the Apple TV box reappeared on the retail website in September, only to vanish again. Apple Inc., meantime, said Amazon Prime Video would become available as an app for Apple TV by the end of the year, but it hasn’t yet been released.
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Always Connected PCs: Laptops with Long Battery Life

At a joint event yesterday, Qualcomm and Microsoft provided further details on the progress of their partnership that will deliver users Always Connected PCs that include a full featured experience, a device that is instantly on when you need it, and laptops with long battery life.
by Richard Hay via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Demand for AI Talent Turns Once-Staid Conference Into Draft Day

Tech companies are increasingly competing with one another, as well as banks and hedge funds, to hire experts in AI techniques like neural networking.
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

What You Need to Know About Managing Office 365

As Microsoft has placed increasing emphasis on Office 365, they’ve rolled out new capabilities and features that depend on both fast, reliable networking and fast, high-capacity storage on the client.
by Paul Robichaux via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Bitnami Introduces Kubeapps for Click and Deploy Kubernetes Containers

At KubeCon, Bitnami demonstrated a tool for deploying pre-packaged Kubernetes containers with the click of a mouse.
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Wall Street Teams Up to Help Save Client Data in Cyber Attack

Nearly three dozen banks are leading a group called Sheltered Harbor that’s designed to protect consumers’ access to their data in the event a financial institution is hacked.
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Intuit to Acquire Startup TSheets in Deal Valued at $340 Million

Buying Eagle, Idaho-based TSheets, which helps businesses and employees track and manage work hours, will bolster Intuit’s QuickBooks software platform.
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Cybersecurity and Data Protection: Learning the New Rules

Sponsored by: KeepItSafe - Date: Thursday, 12/14/17 at 2:00 PM EST
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

VMware Pushes Cloud Foundation 2.3 as Path to Hybrid

VMware relies heavily on partner services to sell new Cloud Foundation as a hybrid cloud solution.
by Christine Hall via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Monday, December 4, 2017

Gartner Says Hire Programmers to Your Infrastructure and Ops Team

As traditional enterprises increasingly behave like platform companies, their IT and ops teams should change accordingly.
by Yevgeniy Sverdlik via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Savill's FAQs: How to Patch a Container Image

Three times a week, John Savill tackles your most pressing IT questions. Today, he explains patching Container Images, the size of Nano Server in Version 1709, and Project Honolulu Communications with servers.
by John Savill via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

AWS Launches Cloud9 Integrated Developer Environment

Cloud9, which AWS acquired in 2016, is tightly integrated with a wide range of AWS services to allow users to write their code in the cloud.
by Todd R. Weiss via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Using Delivery Reports in Microsoft Exchange Server 2016

How to use the delivery report feature in Microsoft Exchange Server 2016.
by Karim Buzdar via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Researchers Combat Gender and Racial Bias in Artificial Intelligence

Machine learning, image recognition and other AI tools have big blind spots that particularly effect women and minorities.
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Friday, December 1, 2017

Microsoft Edge Mobile Browser Released for iOS and Android

After less than two months in preview, Microsoft is making its Windows 10 web browser available for all users on iOS and Android.
by Richard Hay via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

AWS edge computing portfolio extended with new services

AWS is building out edge computing capabilities to enable device management, security, analytics and even machine learning for equipment, machines and devices.
by Courtney Bjorlin via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

ITPro SnapShot: What Else Happened This Week? (Nov. 24 - Dec. 1, 2017)

ITPro SnapShot offers a short and snappy round-up on recent industry-related announcements and news around the globe.
by Richard Hay via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Supported Kubernetes Coming to AWS

Amazon Web Services will soon fully support the open source container orchestration platform Kubernetes -- with added features.
by Christine Hall via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Savill's FAQs: How PowerShell accesses remote files

Three times a week, John Savill tackles your most pressing IT questions. Today, he explains three PowerShell items: accessing remote files, suppressing command output, and sending multiple lines for a script block.
by John Savill via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Microsoft Plans Multibillion-Dollar Campus Overhaul in Redmond

Microsoft Corp. plans a multibillion-dollar overhaul of its main campus in Redmond, Washington, adding space for 8,000 more workers.
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools

Vote-Hacking Fears Help State Officials Get Security Clearances

Issuing security clearances is among a number of voluntary services that Homeland Security is offering states to help boost their cybersecurity.
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
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