Monday, June 27, 2016

New-OfficeWebAppsMachine - Unable to find the specified certificate

This will be a quick post.


When joining a new machine to Office Web Apps an error is returned "Office Web Apps was unable to find the specified certificate." The certificate is installed on the machine but the error persists.


When joining a machine to the OWA farm it checks for the certificate to use in IIS site. In this check it does NOT look for the certificate 'Issued To', it actually looks for the friendly name.


Open up MMC

Add in Certificates and select Local Machine

Make sure your certificate is listed in 'Personal'

Edit the properties and give it the same friendly name as the Farm has.


To check what the current friendly name is in the farm go to a machine that is part of the farm and either a) Open MMC>Certificates and check the friendly name or b) In Powershell type in 'Get-OfficeWebAppsFarm | ft CertificateName'

by Jeff Adkin via Everyone's Blog Posts - SharePoint Community

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