"Mr Sharepoint" is a blog based on RSS for everything related to sharepoint, it collects its posts from many sites in order to facilitate the updating to the latest technology
Saturday, June 30, 2018
Key Steps to Modernize your Storage
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Friday, June 29, 2018
Microsoft Catching Up to Amazon in Security Clearances for Cloud
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
What You Need to Know Before Starting a Windows 10 Migration
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Microsoft Facial Recognition Search Improves Skin & Gender Detection
by Richard Hay, Lisa Schmeiser via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Cloud East Meets Cloud West: Google and Tencent Go for Linux Foundation Platinum
by Christine Hall via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
HPE Discover: Exploring the Potential of Blockchain in IoT
by Brian Buntz via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Cloudtenna's File Discovery Tool Streamlines Workflow Through Machine Learning
by Lisa Schmeiser via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 5-11
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 5-6
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 5-9
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 5-3
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 5-1
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 5-7
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 5-5
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 5-10
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 5-13
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 5-4
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 5-12
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 5-14
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 5-15
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 4-12
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 4-7
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 4-11
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 4-6
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 4-13
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 4-3
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 4-8
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 4-9
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 4-5
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 4-15
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 3-2
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 3-1
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 3-3
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 3-4
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 3-7
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 3-6
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 3-5
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 3-9
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 3-8
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 3-11
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 3-10
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 3-13
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 3-12
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 3-15
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 3-14
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Thursday, June 28, 2018
AI Risk: We Can't Trust Critical Infrastructure to Artificial Intelligence--Yet
by Christopher Tozzi via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
What's Up Doc? This AI Might Know Better Than Your Physician
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Puppet's Cisco-Led $42M Round Going to Cloud and Containers
by Christine Hall via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Google Exec Says Microsoft Beat Search Giant to Buy GitHub
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
PowerShell Script to Deploy Veeam Backup & Replication
by Veeam Guest Blogger via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 2-6
by ITP Test Author 1 via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 2-5
by ITP Test Author 1 via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 2-4
by ITP Test Author 1 via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 2-7
by ITP Test Author 1 via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 2-2
by ITP Test Author 1 via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 2-24
by ITP Test Author 1 via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 2-3
by ITP Test Author 1 via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 2-1
by ITP Test Author 1 via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 1-2
by ITP Test Author 1 via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
GPUs Increasingly Rule the Supercomputer World
by Christine Hall via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
The Office 365 data misconception
An Introduction to Holographic Storage
by Brien Posey via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 7
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 14
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 11
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 9
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 12
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 10
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 8
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 13
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 6
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 15
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 2
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 4
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 1
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 3
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
European Collaboration Summit follow up: Tutorial Scripts and Identity Manager Demos
Many thanks to everyone who attended the European Collaboration Summit in Mainz, Germany, last month. It’s safe to say that the event overall was a runaway success and yes, we have already started planning for the 2019 edition!
At the event, I promised to publish some additional resources. These are a little later than I had hoped but with a new job and a variety of “more important” things on a rather large to-do list, the delay was inevitable. At any rate, this post serves as a landing page for these resources.
Tutorial Attendees: SharePoint 2016 Automation Toolkit
For those who attended the Infrastructure PowerClass hosted by Thomas Vochten and I, the scripts we showed and discussed for building out the On Premises portions of the Hybrid Labs are over here on GitHub. This toolkit has been used to build thousands of customer farms and has also been used at other pre/post conference events such as Microsoft Ignite. More details and so on can be found in the readme. I am not offering support for this toolkit. I will answer questions on it if they are easy to deal with quickly. But I will not be engaging in any debates about their worth, nor any religious arguments about DSC! :)

Don’t worry about GitHub if you are not familiar with it.
Within the page, there is the ability to download the files as a ZIP file – without having to do the whole “install some tools, clone, open” dance that the developers love so much! :)
Identity Manager & SharePoint Server Demos
During my session on User Profiles there wasn’t enough time to complete the demonstrations. As promised I’ve put together a 90 minute video of the complete demos, with some additional explanations and remarks. This is hosted over on YouTube. Apologies in advanced for the slightly annoying sound quality. I had, erm, a slight ‘accident’ with my mic stand earlier today that will mean a trip to the music store in the near future – drat! :)
Identity Manager & SharePoint Server Scripts
All of the scripts used within the above demos, and indeed at other conferences, are also available over here on GitHub.
I hope some of you find these resources useful and once again, thanks for helping make #CollabSummit 2018 the single best community technology event on the planet!
I’m outta here like I dropped a couple tables in a production database!
by Spence via harbar.net
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Ex-Defense Official ‘Alarmed’ About Google Retreat From AI Plan
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Amazon Has Plenty of Foes in Pentagon Cloud Deal
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Salesforce Staff Ask CEO to Revisit Ties With Border Agency
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
SUSE Unveils SUSE Linux Enterprise 15, Its Latest Multimodal OS
by Todd R. Weiss via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 7
by ITP Test Author via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 8
by ITP Test Author via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 2
by ITP Test Author via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 5
by ITP Test Author via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 9
by ITP Test Author via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 10
by ITP Test Author via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 3
by ITP Test Author via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 6
by ITP Test Author via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 11
by ITP Test Author via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 4
by ITP Test Author via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 1
by ITP Test Author via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 12
by ITP Test Author via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 15
by ITP Test Author via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITP Test Article 13
by ITP Test Author via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Monday, June 25, 2018
Mexico Cyber Attacks Raise Alarm Bells Ahead of Sunday Vote
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Musk-Backed Bot Conquers E-Gamer Teams in AI Breakthrough
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Wayfair v. South Dakota: Internet Sales Tax Decision Will Have Wide-Ranging Effects
by Tim Ford via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
RPC Server Unavailable when creating a SharePoint Farm… the curse of dodgy legacy NetDOM!
Every so often a real blast from the past comes back to haunt me. Usually it’s some obscure “infrastructure” gubbins – you know, the sort of thing that 80% of so called IT Pros knew in 1999. These days thou. Not so much.
With SharePoint in particular there is a whole boat load of legacy. Not that legacy is bad. Lot’s of it is awesome. That’s why the product remains so successful. On the other hand some of it is real, real, real nasty! :)
It always seems to come in waves. Over the last two weeks I’ve had six emails regarding problems creating the first server in a SharePoint Farm. The ye olde “An error occurred while getting information about the user SPFarm at server fabrikam.com: The RPC server is unavailable”.
Naturally, there are a whole bunch of wild goose chases out there on the interwebz about how to potentially resolve this issue. Most of them are complete claptrap. Or even worse, a ‘support bot’ automated answer, something like “are you running as an administrator?” :)
Now this old chestnut can have a multitude of root causes and the API that raises this exception isn’t very clever about that – it just bubbles it back up the stack. As you might imagine, when SharePoint was first developed nobody was sat there running through all the various deployment scenarios and fire testing every code path to ensure a nice neat experience for the next 20+ years. But more importantly 17-18 years ago, idempotent, designed to be managed via automation and state independence were not so much of a thing as they are now. Let’s say we do it via PowerShell using New-SPConfigurationDatabase. That isn’t doing one thing. It’s doing a WHOLE BUNCH of things. All masked via the Server Side OM. The same is true if we use the Configuration Wizard. After all, they are both simply masks or wrappers for the OM.
The real problem with this error (and others like it), when creating a Farm, is that it only partly fails. The Configuration database is created on the SQL Server. It’s sitting there pretty happy. Indeed, it will have 711 Objects. New-SPConfigurationDatabase has sorta kinda worked. Even though it’s raised an exception. But it’s not really worked, and as soon as we go to the next stage of farm creation (typically Initialize-SPResourceSecurity) that will fail as well, with the error “Cannot perform security configuration because the configuration database does not exist. You must create or join to a configuration database before doing security configuration.”
Interesting. Most people will actually check if the Farm exists after New-SPConfigurationDatabase by calling Get-SPFarm. This is mainly because the very first “build a farm using PowerShell” posts included this. However, in this case – it is entirely worthless. because Get-SPFarm will report the farm exists and that it is Online.
The sample script that virtually everyone has been following since SharePoint 2010 is entirely flawed. There is zero point in calling Get-SPFarm at this point. If New-SPConfigurationDatabase works it appears to be a nice little bit of defensive coding. And it does actually deal with some other errors that can occur. But it won’t help in the case of bubbled up exceptions from dependencies.
What we ACTUALLY should be doing here is restarting the PowerShell session entirely. Indeed if you try and do anything which would otherwise be sensible, like removing and adding the Snap In – it will likely crash the process anyway. Indeed. if you just leave it sitting there for a bit, the process will crash all on it’s own. How do you like those apples?
This is an absolutely critical thing to realise about the Administration OM and the PowerShell that wraps it. This is why delivering true desired state configuration for SharePoint is currently impossible. The only way to catch this is to catch it. Neither the OM nor the PowerShell cmdlets are designed or developed to be leveraged in an automation first approach. Doesn’t mean we can’t get pretty close, but as soon as you start delving into the details, it becomes obvious just how much work is required to do all the things the back end OM doesn’t. And how exactly does one create a DSC resource that can detect a failed process, know exactly when it failed, and kick off another one to carry on? Yeah, exactly.
Again, SharePoint itself doesn’t handle the exception it just bubbles it back. It does no clean up. Our box is shafted. So to speak. Until we delete the database, and of course restart (or create a new) PowerShell session. Thus, in order to deal with this properly, we’d need to catch the specific exception and handle it appropriately. Do some remoting and kill the database (using SQL Server PowerShell), then restart our session. In other words clean up after the mess that SharePoint has made for us.
But of course we also need to fix the root cause of the problem before retrying.
“The RPC server is unavailable” is one of the classic, generic, “we have no idea what happened, throw this” errors. Now we live in a modern, transformed, cloud first world, we only have one generic error, “access denied” :). But back in the day, when type was understood, we had lots of them.
Sometimes the RPC server really is unavailable. But when creating a SharePoint Farm there is a 98% chance your machine has multiple Network Interfaces, and the prioritised (default) NIC cannot route to the SQL Server. It looks like this.
In this example “Ethernet1” is a shared network to a backup device. The customer is using this network to separate farm traffic from management traffic. Is that a good idea? Well that’s a post for another time (or perhaps not!) but the thing is it’s extremely common. Even in IaaS lots of people do this.
If I move the “10net” network to the top of the list. Hey presto. No more RPC server is unavailable. It’s a common gotcha. The trouble is most people don’t know there even IS a NIC order. Never mind where in the UI to configure it. For over a decade all but one causes of this error, where I’ve been involved either as escalation or hands on, has been the NIC order. It’s in my checklist before deploying farms – not that I really do that anymore, but whatever, that checklist doesn’t get updated much.
The good news is we can fix it with PowerShell, decent PowerShell….
Set-NetIPInterface -InterfaceIndex <index> -InterfaceMetric <new metric>
It of course shouldn’t be this way – the reason it is – is because the SharePoint APIs (especially the core Farm Admin ones) rely on some real legacy. In this case, what old timers refer to as the NetDOM stack. That’s an in joke related to an old utility used to hack AD things, back before there was a RTM AD and Microsoft were still doing NetBIOS. Now, it works. But that is the depth of a product like this. A rabbit’s warren of more or less every API made by Microsoft from around 1996 through to today. It would take a brave (and quite possibly barking mad) person indeed to make the decision to re-architect and re-implement the core admin stack.
Anyway the point of this post was to:
- document the 98% case cause and resolution (fix the NIC order, even if only temporarily whilst the farm is built) so I don’t have to actually explain it ever again (I hope!)
- provide a worked example of the importance of understanding how things are actually built, rather than merely the mask of veneer that so many products have today.
Not to be all Donald Rumsfeld, but remember with most things in life, and especially SharePoint - The more you know, the more you know you don’t know. You know?! :)
by Spence via harbar.net
Friday, June 22, 2018
U.S. Supreme Court Bolsters Mobile-Phone Privacy Rights
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
The Push to Digitize the User
Thursday, June 21, 2018
Intel Ousts CEO Krzanich After Relationship With Employee
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Google Engineers Refused to Build Security Tool to Win Military Contracts
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Artificial Intelligence Ethics: Google’s Pentagon AI Move Highlights Brewing Issues
by Terri Coles via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Web Giants Gird for Legal Headaches Under New EU Copyright Rules
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
HPE Discover 2018: HPE to Invest $4B in Edge Computing Commitment
by Brian Buntz via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Aruba’s SD Branch Technology Could Simplify IoT Networking
by Brian Buntz via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
New Book : Career Success with SharePoint and Office 365
We launched a book this past week. It is available on Amazon right now.
It also managed to get to the Number 1 spot in Hot New Releases in Career Guides! That’s pretty cool! These numbers change all the time, so for now we are basking in the glory.
We are brand new to the world of authoring books and the learning curve has been nothing short of gargantuan! It’s a whole new world out there people! Well, it is for us anyway.
The main thing we’ve learnt is that there are over a billion books published on Amazon. The only way to get your spot in the sunlight, is by getting book reviews. And it can’t just be from your mom or sister, no, it has to be “people you don’t know”. What….? Do you know how many people we are connected to on social media?! Anyway, it’s not clear how Amazon decides who’s friends and family and who isn’t, but ultimately, there needs to be a minimum of 10 reviews on your book before the Amazon algorithms kick and stuff starts to happen properly. We’ve got one.
If you are kind enough to have been following this blog so sometime, and kind enough to buy the book, (it’s on special for a couple of weeks during launch), then please would you write a review on Amazon for us if you think it added any value to you. Try be specific about what it is you liked please. And of course, if you didn’t like, we won’t take offence to that either. We will learn from it and do better next time. (And trust me, there is going to be a next time). If you loved it, please also share it with people who are busy hating their jobs.
Happy reading. We can’t wait to see what you thought.
by Veronique Palmer via Views from Veronique
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
Public Cloud Provider Infrastructure Spending Hits 9-Quarter High
by Nicole Henderson via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Monday, June 18, 2018
Batch Conversion of HTML Files to PDFs Using Adobe Acrobat DX
Lots of times as a consultant, I need to get content in one format into another format. It usually means a lot of content, stored in all sorts of ways. I cut my teeth on this kind of work way back in the 1980s when I worked at Bain & Company. Consulting teams there would bring us all sorts of junk (“some sort of magnetic media”) and want to make sense of it. Because of this, I’m rarely scared of data conversions. It’s also one of the reasons I love Sharegate so much – for SharePoint, it makes much of this type of work easy!
In one of my current projects, I need to export content from multiple SharePoint 2007 sites to be loaded into a third party platform. The content is stored in lists and I can easily export it with Sharegate. However, there is a Rich Text field – the most important field, of course – and the content in that field can far exceed Excel’s 32k character limit in a single cell.
Instead, I’m using Microsoft Access (more about this later) and some VBA to export the Rich Text to HTML files. I’ll have thousands of them, and I need to convert them to PDFs.
Surprisingly, Binging and Googling took me to all sorts of fly-by-night possibilities, but not the most obvious one. Adobe Acrobat DC does this right out of the box! I didn’t even find this on the Adobe support site.
And you’re done. In my first test, converting about 400 HTML files, some with embedded images, took about 10 minutes.
This post is as much for future me as it is for anyone else, but I hope it will help some others out.
by Marc D Anderson via Marc D Anderson's Blog
Microsoft Removes Mention of Cloud Work for ICE After Protests
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Google Is Training Machines to Predict When a Patient Will Die
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Sunday, June 17, 2018
A Panic Shared is a Panic Halved
We live in a society where appearances are everything. We are expected to just put on a brave face, suck it up and not bother anyone with our issues. We are expected to never show weakness, vulnerability, or Heaven forbid, fear. So many people living in quiet desperation. Social media doesn’t help. People look so gloriously happy and successful on Facebook, don’t they. And when you’re feeling like the world’s biggest loser, it just depresses you even more to look at any of it.
Just reach out. Find someone you trust and open up to them. Make sure it is someone who is going to give you constructive advice and leave you feeling lighter, empowered – and better! Not worse. There is no need to panic, or feel embarrassed in asking for help. Most of the time, people want to help, they just don’t know how. Asking for help usually energizes the person you asked, it kicks people into solution and caring mode – and that’s good for everybody.
by Veronique Palmer via Views from Veronique
Saturday, June 16, 2018
WWDC 2018: 5 Biggest Mobile Highlights from the Apple Developer Conference
by Paul Heltzel via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Friday, June 15, 2018
Amazon Facing Questions From U.S. Senators About Echo Privacy
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
10 Leading Public Cloud Migration Services Providers
by Nicole Henderson via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITPro SnapShot: What Else Happened This Week? (June 8 - 15, 2018)
by Richard Hay via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Inside Arm’s and KEPCO’s Smart Grid Technology Partnership
by Brian Buntz via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Thursday, June 14, 2018
How Dropbox Re-architected Its Cloud to Use Higher-Density Storage
by Wylie Wong via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Apple to Close IPhone Security Loophole Used by Law Enforcement
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
If You’re A Facebook User, You’re Also a Research Subject
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
When Field Service Technicians Are Like Fighter Pilots
by Brian Buntz via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
IBM Cloud Last in Line to Adopt Availability Zones
by Christine Hall via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
IoT World Europe: Siemens' Chief Shares Best, Worst of IIoT
by Jeremy Coward via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
World Cup Soccer 2018 Draws Fans and Cybercriminals Alike
by Jeffrey Burt via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
Apple Tries to Stop Developers From Sharing Data on Friends
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Amazon’s Clever Machines Are Moving From the Warehouse to Headquarters
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Docker Brings Federated Application Management to Enterprise Offering
by Lisa Schmeiser via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Productivity Apps for Mac Expand with Office 2019 Testing
by Richard Hay via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Eric S. Raymond on Keeping the Bazaar Secure and Functional
by Christine Hall via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
Microsoft Judge Sees `Fatal' Flaw in Women's Group Bias Case
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Rackspace Launches Data Center Colocation Service
by Yevgeniy Sverdlik via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Google Cloud Takes Center Stage at Cisco Live!
by Yevgeniy Sverdlik via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Monday, June 11, 2018
Net Neutrality Rules Expire as Backers Turn to Congress, Courts
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Learn and Master PowerShell with the two new learning paths at Pluralsight
If you’ve followed this blog for a while, you know that I am a huge fan of Pluralsight for their content, and that I also create courses with them! One of the amazing things that Pluralsight created in the last year is learning paths, here is how they define a learning path:
It can be tough to know where to start learning. Paths combine specific courses and tools into one experience to teach you any given skill from start to finish. Paths are aligned to an individual’s knowledge level, to help you and your team develop the right skills in the right order.
Basically, it’s hand-picked courses on a certain topic, that will allow you to master a skill! Not only that, but they also have the Skill IQ, which is a quick test that will evaluate you on the subjects covered in that path, and tell you exactly what your strong points, and weak points are! It’s really a new learning experience that I love!
Back to PowerShell! In the past month, Pluralsight has released two new learning paths for PowerShell! The first one is called Windows PowerShell: Essentials and as the name says, after you finish this path, you should have the knowledge to create basic PowerShell scripts, handle errors, and automating processes! The path is made up of 6 courses, for a total of 16 hours of content! I have listened to most of the courses, and believe me, even as someone who does PowerShell almost daily, you will learn something! You can find the path over here: https://spvlad.com/PSEssentials
The next path is a more advanced one and it’s called Windows PowerShell: Scripting and Toolmaking . This path is longer, with 30 hours of content split up in 13 courses, this path covers some advanced topics, but knowing them will really take your scripts, and productivity to the next level! Here are some of the topics covered:
- Toolmaking fundamentals
- Building advanced PowerShell functions and modules -Best practices for PowerShell usage
- Reporting with PowerShell HTML
- Debugging PowerShell in VS Code
- Getting a grasp of PowerShell remoting fundamentals
- Accessing SQL Server databases with PowerShell
- Building PowerShell GUIs in WPF
- Testing PowerShell with Pester
- Utilizing Windows Workflows with PowerShell
As always, Pluralsight content is created by the best in the industry, and the list of Authors below should speak for itself!
Check out the paths at the following links, and make sure you share your experience in the comments!
- Windows PowerShell: Essentials: https://spvlad.com/PSEssentials
- Windows PowerShell: Scripting and Toolmaking : https://spvlad.com/PSScriptingAndToolmaking
Leave a comment and don’t forget to like the Absolute SharePoint Blog Page on Facebook and to follow me on Twitter here for the latest news and technical articles on SharePoint. I am also a Pluralsight author, and you can view all the courses I created on my author page. |
The post Learn and Master PowerShell with the two new learning paths at Pluralsight appeared first on Absolute SharePoint Blog by Vlad Catrinescu.
by Vlad Catrinescu via Absolute SharePoint Blog by Vlad Catrinescu
Microsoft Women Confront Company’s Worker-Friendly Image
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
DNV GL on ‘Pilot Purgatory’ and Successful Industrial IoT
by Jeremy Coward via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Sunday, June 10, 2018
IBM, Nvidia Build “World’s Fastest Supercomputer” for US Government
by Yevgeniy Sverdlik via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Friday, June 8, 2018
How to maintain a Hyper-Available Enterprise with Business Continuity / Disaster Recovery
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Protect your small business against top 3 disasters
by via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Q&A: When Will Autonomous Ships Rule the Seas?
by Brian Buntz via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Key GOP Lawmaker Doubts Pentagon Can Handle Cloud Contract
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Google Said to Face Antitrust Fines on Android Within Weeks
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
ITPro SnapShot: What Else Happened This Week? (June 1 - 8, 2018)
by Richard Hay via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Thursday, June 7, 2018
How Did GitLab Scale Up for the Slashdot Effect? Point and Click
by Christine Hall via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
SAP Combines Acquisitions to Launch New Cloud Application Suite
by Nicole Henderson via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
451 Sorts IoT Cloud Platform Pricing with Machine Learning
by Courtney Bjorlin via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Microsoft Has Sunk Another Data Center: Here’s What You Need to Know
by Yevgeniy Sverdlik via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Hack of DNA Website Exposes Data From 92 Million Accounts
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
WhatsApp, Snapchat Banned on Company Devices at Continental
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools
California Enlists Data Scientists in Election Monitoring Bid
by Bloomberg via IT Pro - Microsoft Windows Information, Solutions, Tools