Monday, June 29, 2015

GoPro Winners announced


First of all, sorry for taking so much time for announcing winners, as you know, usually we do it a lot sooner! Vacations and some confirmations got in the way, however, I am happy to announce the two winners in our latest contest!

For the best blog post, the winner is Colin Gardner with the blog post on Part 1: Caching Credentials in an Azure SQL Database for a SharePoint Provider Hosted App.   Great Blog Post, with lots of explanations as well as screenshots to guide users.

The second winner, picked from the random raffle is Sebastien Levert !

Congratulations to both our winners and I will send you both an email in the following days!

by Vlad Catrinescu via Everyone's Blog Posts - SharePoint Community

Custom Field Rendering For Managed Metadata Fields

The JS Link property is a great addition in SharePoint 2013 that can be used to modify the rendering of SharePoint controls using a JavaScript file. This blog post will be a guide that can help you to render your managed metadata fields in a much nicer way. The original blogpost can be found here

Using custom properties of the managed metadata values to define the rendering properties will add some major advantages to your solution:
– The ability to change these properties in a user-friendly way;
– The ability to work in a multilingual environment.

You should definitely take a look at these samples if you plan to use client-side rendering (JS Link) in SharePoint 2013. I decided to extend the first sample using the custom properties of managed metadata to define the layout of my listview.


First I created the termset “Priority”.

Managed Metadata

For each of the terms I created a custom property that will be used to specify the color.

Custom Properties

Then I added this managed metadata field to my list. Out of the box my view will look like this:

List view

With the code beneath, added to the JS Link of your view, the custom property will be used to display the color of the priority.

JS Link


* List View – Managed Metadata Priority Color Sample *
* Authors: Rob Lempens + Wouter Laureys  (Spikes NV) *
(function () {
    (window.jQuery || document.write('<script src="//"><\/script>'));
    // Create object that has the context information about the field that we want to change it's output render
    var priorityFilledContext = {};
    priorityFilledContext.Templates = {};
    priorityFilledContext.Templates.Fields = {
        // Apply the new rendering for Priority field on List View
        "ColoredPriority": { "View": priorityFilledTemplate}
var handledPriorities = [];
function priorityFilledTemplate(ctx) {
    var priority = ctx.CurrentItem[ctx.CurrentFieldSchema.Name].Label;
    var className = "priorityClass" + priority;
    // The color needs only to be set once for each term (class)
    if (handledPriorities.indexOf(priority) == -1) {
        // Getting the color from the custom taxonomy property and set it for the class.
        setTaxonomyColor(ctx.CurrentItem[ctx.CurrentFieldSchema.Name], className);
    return "<span class='"+className+"'>" + priority + "</span>";
function setTaxonomyColor(valueObject, className) {
    if (valueObject && valueObject.__type == "TaxonomyFieldValue:#Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy") {
        var context = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
        var session = SP.Taxonomy.TaxonomySession.getTaxonomySession(context);
        var termStore = session.getDefaultSiteCollectionTermStore();
        var term = termStore.getTerm(valueObject.TermID);
        context.load(term, 'IsRoot', 'Id', 'Name', 'Parent', 'CustomProperties');
        context.executeQueryAsync(success, fail);
        function success() {
            var color = term.get_objectData().get_properties()["CustomProperties"]["Color"] != undefined ? term.get_objectData().get_properties()["CustomProperties"]["Color"] : "";
            $("." + className).css('color', color);
        function fail() {




This code is provided as is without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including any implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or non-infringement. No animals were harmed during the making of this blog post.

by Rob Lempens via Everyone's Blog Posts - SharePoint Community

Port Forwarding in SharePoint

Recently I came across an issue in SharePoint.


1. A Server with static IP (14.*.*.*). This is the server that is public facing.

2. SharePoint Server with ip( This is a server in intranet.

Now I wanted to make the SharePoint Site at accessible outside intranet using Port forwarding.

Initially I pointed http://14.*.*.*:8082 to But this didn't work out because when I entered http://14.*.*.*:8082 in browser the port 8082 changed to port 80 and hence page couldn't be found.

Solution:After trying for long I figured out that port forwarding should use same port internally and externally.

by Nikhil Gaikwad via Everyone's Blog Posts - SharePoint Community

Thursday, June 25, 2015

SPTechCon Developer Days Follow Up

SPTechCon Dev DaysI got lucky on the scheduling for SPTechCon Developer Days and did both of my sessions on the first day. So today I get to attend sessions and just learn, learn, learn!

As is true of every conference the BZMedia folks put on, this one is well run and packed with excellent sessions. If you’d like to stay on top of what’s happening in the SharePoint world, sign up for their weekly SPTechReport newsletter.

Since this is a conference focused on developers, both my sessions were developer-focused. If you attended either session and have questions or feedback, feel free to get in touch.

by Marc D Anderson via Marc D Anderson's Blog

#SP2015-23: News from around the SharePoint/Office 365 Universe

Hello SharePointers and welcome to the weekly SharePoint Community newsletter with the latest news on SharePoint & Office 365.

(Sponsored) SharePoint, SQL, Visual Studio, and more – Learn all for just $49

Learn the most popular developer technologies with thousands of training videos by Microsoft experts. Get a year of access to this popular learning library for ONLY $49 (regularly $99). Hurry, offer ends Friday, 6/26/15. Subscribe now

O365 Hub - Magazine - Article - Story - Portal Preview

We all know that the Office 365 Hub has the Video Portal site where the Organisation / Users can manage their videos. But while I was looking into it, found that this hub will be extended to manage the articles / stories / magazine. Here are some of the preview of the Magazine portal and the articles.

Survey: ‘State of SharePoint and Office 365 Development’

Are you a SharePoint or Office365 developer, architect or IT-Pro?

If yes then take part in our survey to win a prize!

Prizes (total value $6000):

1 Xbox One,

3-day pass to the European SharePoint Conference

4 SharePoint Code Analysis Framework (SPCAF) licenses

50 T-Shirts "Department of SharePoint Code Quality"


Enter here!

Early look at Power BI updates and new customization options

On this week’s show, we invite Michael Tejedor back to give us an update on Power BI. Michael explains the options for connecting Power BI to the cloud and even on-premises data sources. We share news about content packs allowing you to connect and gain insights into data from popular cloud services immediately

Office for Android phone is here!

Today I’m pleased to announce the general availability of the new Word, Excel and PowerPoint apps for Android phone. These join our previously released Office apps for Android tablets to complete the Office experience for the millions of Android users around the world.

Internal Company Newsletter Using SharePoint

I see a lot of companies send out newsletters to their employees, and sometimes they actually pay for services such as MailChimp or Constant Contact, in order to send out those newsletters.  In this post, I’ll show you a way that you can do this in SharePoint, if you want to save some money and not use those other services.  Also, this offers something that those services don’t offer… a place to go look to reference older newsletters from the past.

Office 365 Icon font documentation

I've had the opportunity to look into the possibilities for organizations to use Office 365 Video. Using videos within an organization can be a great way to connect to your employees. This could be a welcome video from the new CEO, a safety regulation video or training material to help new employees get on their way.

3 realities of learning SharePoint

I get lots of questions from my loyal blog followers on what are the best ways I can recommend to learn SharePoint. I am not talking about learning SharePoint from end user perspective, but rather more of Power User/Administrator folks.

by Vlad Catrinescu via Everyone's Blog Posts - SharePoint Community

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

10 Things You Need to Know about Office 365 Compliance Search

The ability to search across data is increasingly important, and Microsoft is now offering a lighter, quicker way to search across Office 365: Compliance Search, part of the Office 365 Compliance Center. Here are 10 things you need to know about the new feature.

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by via SharePoint Pro

Announcing: Microsoft Office for Android Phone General Availability

Today on the Office blog, Kirk Koenigsbauer the Corporate VP for Office Client Apps and Services announced the general availability of Word, Excel, PowerPoint for Android. I’ve been following the Office Mobile saga of the past few years. Microsoft’s embracing of both iPad, iPhone, Android tablet and Android phone has created some of the most [&hellip

The post Announcing: Microsoft Office for Android Phone General Availability appeared first on CollabShow.

by Joel Oleson via CollabShow

Gallery: If Only Life Came with a Gmail 'Undo Send' Button

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by via SharePoint Pro

Monday, June 22, 2015

Govern a SharePoint Intranet Effectively with Two Simple Content Management Techniques

Most corporate legal teams wish colleagues would get rid of more content in a timely fashion. Many documents we create in the course of our work are not considered records, and therefore not governed by the document retention schedule. These are just the types of content that should be purged regularly. At the same time, there are actual records that should not remain findable in a digital workplace after their useful life. Old copies of policy, for example, should not be found in an intranet search.

read more

by via SharePoint Pro

First Release: First look at MDM Mobile Device Management in Office 365

Office 365 Mobile Device Management is now available for early adopters and those tenants who have elected to opt into the First Release Program. I can’t tell you when you’ll get these features or if they are already released if you’re not already in the First release program. I’m not telling you to move up [&hellip

The post First Release: First look at MDM Mobile Device Management in Office 365 appeared first on CollabShow.

by Joel Oleson via CollabShow

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

What SharePoint training topics are most important right now?

When it comes to SharePoint, there is no end to training opportunities. The platform is big and complex, and it has gone through many changes recently. Expect more of the same as SharePoint Server 2016 gets ready to roll out. To help us develop training programs that best suit you and your organization, we ask that you participate in this poll by ranking your SharePoint training needs.

by via SharePoint Pro

Office 365 Adoption Stats from Microsoft

The #SPBiz conference has just kicked off and here are the Office 365 stats as released by Microsoft during the keynote by Mark Kashman.

Office 365 usage stats from Microsoft in June 2015

Filed under: Office 365
by Veronique Palmer via Views from Veronique

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Survey: The State of SharePoint and Office 365 Development

SharePoint and Office 365 Development

Do you work as a developer, architect or IT-Pro with SharePoint or Office 365?

If the answer is yes, we are excited to invite you to take part in the  ‘State of SharePoint and Office 365 Development Survey’ 2015 before the 19th of July 2015.

Help us build a snapshot of how you are customizing SharePoint and Office 365 by sharing your voice and experience. By taking part, you will also get the opportunity to win some great prizes including an Xbox One, a ticket to the European SharePoint Conference, T-shirts and licenses for the SharePoint Code Analysis Framework (SPCAF)!

With this survey, we hope to gain a wider understanding of the current SharePoint and Office 365 development community.

The Survey

The ‘State of SharePoint and Office 365 Development’ survey will paint a comprehensive picture, both locally and globally, of how developers and IT-Pros are working with the many different facets at their disposal within SharePoint and O365.

We want to hear how many farms do you have, what environment are you using, what is your favorite approach to customize SharePoint, which frameworks are used, what are the most common challenges, where do you go for help.

The survey will be broken down into a number of areas. Looking at social habits, development approach and business processes to get a complete and wide-ranging view of a developer’s world.

Who should take part?

If you are a developer, architect, IT Pro or work in Project Management and are customizing SharePoint or Office 365 then we want to hear from you!

All experience levels are welcome, from SharePoint MVP’s to intermediates and beginners.

Win prizes worth $6,000.00!!!

By completing ‘The State of SharePoint and Office 365 Development’ survey you can choose to enter a prize draw to win a number of cool prizes! We will be giving away:

  • 1 Xbox one worth $400
  • 1 3-day pass for the European SharePoint Conference in Stockholm, Sweden worth $1400 (kindly sponsored by SharePoint Europe)
  • 1 SPCAF Professional Edition license worth $2099 (valid for 1 year)
  • 3 SPCAF Developer Edition licenses worth $699 (each valid for 1 year)
  • 50 ‘Department of SharePoint Code Quality’ t-shirts (street credibility guaranteed for many years!)

SharePoint and Office 365 Development

* the survey closes on 19th of July 2015. Terms & Conditions apply.

by Vlad Catrinescu via Everyone's Blog Posts - SharePoint Community

Monday, June 15, 2015

How do you train students?

I set out on a mission a few weeks back to discover a
better way to make our materials available to students.  This was prompted by a student in one class remarking that if we're "..going to use digital materials, then you need to go all the way".  I'm probably paraphrasing but that's what keeps ringing in my head! (thanks kate)

I've done a lot of searching, talking with software reps, and even attempted to modify some technical documentation software to fit what I want. After all that, the final solution wound up being SharePoint.

For various reasons, none of the previous items fit the bill.  We're not even going with SCORM based training.  It's going to come down to using pages, Office Web Apps, hosted media, and a tiny bit of scripting added to a Master Page to get the Quicklaunch I want.

I think this is really a testament in some ways to the effort that Microsoft has been putting into SharePoint as a platform.  Don't get me wrong! I'm very cross at MS for the patches I spent 3 hours this morning backing off my machine so I could talk on Lync and post to SharePoint from Word again.  They don't do everything right.  I'm also still fighting with using the web services from Python.  Those are completely different projects though. In the end SharePoint is exactly what we need.  Here's a preview of what our training will look like in the near future.

There's a lot of work in the background that isn't very evident from the screenshot. Not the least of which is Extranet Collaboration Manager which is making all of this possible.  I can't wait to get students into it.  What platforms do you use for training?  external or internal?

by (Robert Schley) via SharePoint Solutions Blog

Why I Moved to San Diego and Joined Hershey Technologies

Making career and job decisions is hard. Most people involve God in decisions like this. It’s a big deal. After I left one of the best jobs at Microsoft, I really wanted to make a difference in the community. I feel like I’ve been able to do that, but the adventure was far from over. [&hellip

The post Why I Moved to San Diego and Joined Hershey Technologies appeared first on CollabShow.

by Joel Oleson via CollabShow

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Workload-Specific Roles Add Layer of SharePoint Data Protection

​As data becomes more and more critical to more and more organizations, it’s becoming increasingly important to ensure that the right people (and only the right people) can access the data.

read more

by via SharePoint Pro

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

3 realities of learning SharePoint

I get lots of questions from my loyal blog followers on what are the best ways I can recommend to learn SharePoint. I am not talking about learning SharePoint from end user perspective, but rather more of Power User/Administrator folks. For example how do I learn to create a project or team site in SharePoint, setup security, information architecture, etc. Let me share few tips on SharePoint learning that I gathered over the years, as well as came to conclusion from my experience with the tool.

Reality # 1: You won’t learn SharePoint by taking online classes or attending formal SharePoint training alone

These are definitely a great start, will probably teach you some basic principles and best practices. But no more than that. Paraphrasing a famous shoe company, you have to “Just do it”. SharePoint is like driving – you can’t learn theory only and claim to be a good driver. Repetitive practice will make you better. Same exact logic goes with SharePoint. You have to roll up your sleeves and just immerse yourself into it. You will make mistakes, lots of mistakes. And that is fine, because that is the only way to learn SharePoint (like everything else in life).

Google is your best friend to learn SharePoint

The reality is – you will do majority of learning by “googling” the topic or issue and reading blogs like this one or from other SharePoint enthusiasts. There is lots of useful information out there and the best way to address it is by finding the answer on Internet. There is no single book or magic user guide that explains all the nuances of SharePoint. Trust me – this is how we all of us “SharePoint consultants” learned SharePoint.


Reality # 2: You won’t learn SharePoint unless you are 100% committed to it

Truth of the matter is you can’t do SharePoint (well) on a part-time basis. You know that feeling when you put on skis or skates once every 5 years? Same thing applies to SharePoint. If you are building an occasional site here and there – you might get away with it, but to do it right – you have to be committed 100% to it. Remember, it is not just about building a site and dropping off a bunch of documents in the document library. You have to consider overall information architecture, security, understand well user requirements, make time for training and user adoption, etc.


Reality # 3: You will never learn it all or know it all with SharePoint

Truth of the matter is, SharePoint is a very complicated system and you can’t be an expert in all of its aspects. Moreover, SharePoint is a constantly evolving system. Especially with it being in the cloud now as part of Office 365 offering, you might find new functionality every time you login. And there are always 10 ways to do 1 thing. And, let’s keep in mind, that it is not an easy system and was never designed to be easy. The only way to excel in SharePoint is by working with it, day in and day out, and grow your internal knowledge and skills.

by Gregory Zelfond via Everyone's Blog Posts - SharePoint Community

Monitor your Office365 Sites and Email for Free

Just got off the phone with Steve Peschka, the 18 year veteran of Microsoft and the guy who helped us all get through the Auth issues, Claims, User Profile issues, and Apps and so much more. In the conversation Steve explained the new Office365Mon service. In it they let you setup monitoring for Office 365. [&hellip

The post Monitor your Office365 Sites and Email for Free appeared first on CollabShow.

by Joel Oleson via CollabShow

#SP2015-22: News from around the SharePoint/Office 365 Universe

Hello SharePointers and welcome to the weekly SharePoint Community newsletter.  

(Sponsored) Replace InfoPath with Mobile Apps

Formotus offers InfoPath-compatible form filling in mobile apps for iOS, Android and Windows 8, and is working on a browser-based form design solution in the cloud. Learn more about how Formotus is building a better InfoPath alternative in the cloud.

New user experiences in Office 365 on the web (Office Blogs)

Today we are introducing a set of new user experiences in Office 365 on the web that provide quick access to notifications, help and what’s new feature introductions, contextual and immersive settings and the integration of Skype for Business conversations – all within the context of your work

Review of Lanteria HR Management System for SharePoint 

SharePoint MVP Vlad Catrinescu did a review of Lanteria HRMS. Lanteria HRMS is an HR Management system that sits directly on SharePoint, therefore increasing SharePoint’s ROI!

Review of the Aquaforest CheckPoint SharePoint Administration Tool

Aquaforest CheckPoint is a SharePoint Governance tool that is designed to monitor and report various details from an organization's SharePoint farm. It works with SharePoint on premises, SharePoint online or Hybrid environments!

What's new in the Office Roadmap - 2015-06-10

SharePoint Server MVP Wictor Wilén has been closely following the updates to Office 365 and did a blog post about the most recent updates in the roadmap!

4 updates to Power Query

This month’s Power Query update includes four new or improved features

Microsoft Ignite & SharePoint/O365 – Outcomes   

Well this blog post is coming in quite late as Microsoft Ignite was a little less than a month ago. But I believe in better late than never and there are some good topics that I wanted to follow up with.  Read Drew Madelung’s predictions on NextGen Portals, Office 365 and more!

Office 365 Video: My first impression

I've had the opportunity to look into the possibilities for organizations to use Office 365 Video. Using videos within an organization can be a great way to connect to your employees. This could be a welcome video from the new CEO, a safety regulation video or training material to help new employees get on their way.

Microsoft acquires 6Wunderkinder, creator of to-do list app Wunderlist

We could not be more excited to welcome the team at 6Wunderkinder, the creator of Wunderlist, to Microsoft and OneNote. The acquisition of this market-leading to-do list app known for its simplicity, ease of use and innovative design fits squarely with our ambition to reinvent productivity and help people achieve more across all major platforms and devices—particularly on mobile.

by Vlad Catrinescu via Everyone's Blog Posts - SharePoint Community

#SP2015-22: News from around the SharePoint/Office 365 Universe

Hello SharePointers and welcome to the weekly SharePoint Community newsletter.  

(Sponsored) Replace InfoPath with Mobile Apps

Formotus offers InfoPath-compatible form filling in mobile apps for iOS, Android and Windows 8, and is working on a browser-based form design solution in the cloud. Learn more about how Formotus is building a better InfoPath alternative in the cloud.

New user experiences in Office 365 on the web (Office Blogs)

Today we are introducing a set of new user experiences in Office 365 on the web that provide quick access to notifications, help and what’s new feature introductions, contextual and immersive settings and the integration of Skype for Business conversations – all within the context of your work

Review of Lanteria HR Management System for SharePoint 

SharePoint MVP Vlad Catrinescu did a review of Lanteria HRMS. Lanteria HRMS is an HR Management system that sits directly on SharePoint, therefore increasing SharePoint’s ROI!

Review of the Aquaforest CheckPoint SharePoint Administration Tool

Aquaforest CheckPoint is a SharePoint Governance tool that is designed to monitor and report various details from an organization's SharePoint farm. It works with SharePoint on premises, SharePoint online or Hybrid environments!

What's new in the Office Roadmap - 2015-06-10

SharePoint Server MVP Wictor Wilén has been closely following the updates to Office 365 and did a blog post about the most recent updates in the roadmap!

4 updates to Power Query

This month’s Power Query update includes four new or improved features

Microsoft Ignite & SharePoint/O365 – Outcomes   

Well this blog post is coming in quite late as Microsoft Ignite was a little less than a month ago. But I believe in better late than never and there are some good topics that I wanted to follow up with.  Read Drew Madelung’s predictions on NextGen Portals, Office 365 and more!

Office 365 Video: My first impression

I've had the opportunity to look into the possibilities for organizations to use Office 365 Video. Using videos within an organization can be a great way to connect to your employees. This could be a welcome video from the new CEO, a safety regulation video or training material to help new employees get on their way.

Microsoft acquires 6Wunderkinder, creator of to-do list app Wunderlist

We could not be more excited to welcome the team at 6Wunderkinder, the creator of Wunderlist, to Microsoft and OneNote. The acquisition of this market-leading to-do list app known for its simplicity, ease of use and innovative design fits squarely with our ambition to reinvent productivity and help people achieve more across all major platforms and devices—particularly on mobile.

by Vlad Catrinescu via Everyone's Blog Posts - SharePoint Community

Monday, June 8, 2015

Why Organizations Don’t Leverage What They’ve Got

I was sitting with the leadership team of a business unit of a larger organization, planning for their leadership retreat. In reviewing its business plan, the issue of collaboration kept coming up, as it during the many interviews I’d already completed with the organization.

read more

by via SharePoint Pro

SPONSORED: Review of the Aquaforest CheckPoint SharePoint Administration Tool

Product analysis by Vlad Catrinescu – requested by Aquaforest, but thoughts are my own.

With over 65 000 customers ,125 million licenses, and 80% of fortune 500 using it, Microsoft SharePoint is one of the most used collaboration and intranet platforms in the world. With that many users, and companies relying on SharePoint, the SharePoint admins behind every company's farm must make sure the farm is always working properly and the users are happy. However, the surge in SharePoint usage often gives rise to "SharePoint Sprawl" which is a significant challenge for those tasked with management and administration.

Furthermore, with the rise of Hybrid SharePoint deployments, where the SharePoint admin now has to manage both the internal, on-premises SharePoint farm, as well as the Office 365 SharePoint Sites. To ease the SharePoint Administrator's task, and to help him prevent problems before they happen, Aquaforest created a product called Checkpoint. Before we go into the review, here is a description of the product from the company's website.

  Aquaforest CheckPoint is a SharePoint Governance tool that is designed to monitor and report various details from an organization's SharePoint farm. It supports both On Premise and Cloud SharePoint installations. It connects to SharePoint remotely, as a result you do not have to install it on the same machine as your SharePoint server and one installation can serve multiple SharePoint farms.

Aquaforest CheckPoint helps Identify Issues including:
  • Duplicate Files
  • Very Large Files
  • Legacy Office Documents
  • Non-Searchable PDFs
  • Obsolete Content
  • Non-Standards Compliance
  • Newly Created sites, Lists and Libraries
  • Many other issues

Aquaforest CheckPoint Review

First thing to note is that CheckPoint is a client application, so I was able to install it on my laptop. After installation, I was prompted to enter the first Site Collection I wanted to manage. Each site collection is called a "Connection" and you cannot connect to a Web Application or a Farm.

After you create your first connection, and every time in the future when you open the application, you go directly to the dashboard. The dashboard is where you can see all your current connections, reports and alerts. Alerts will need to be configured, so that is why we don't have any yet!

When we go into a connection, we are able to see the Subsites, Lists & libraries, Users, Groups, Permissions and Content Types.

When you go on one of the items, such as a list, or a person, you can view all its properties. A bit like SharePoint Manager, but without having to be logged in on the server.

Now, let's take a look in the Reports section. The Reports section in my opinion is the heart of the product and is the section that brings the most value. There are thirteen reports out of the box, however you can add custom ones that fit your business needs. Here are the ones included out of the box.

Let's take a simple one, such the empty site description. Having a site description for every site, can be a part of the company governance policy and as the SharePoint Admin, you need to find out regularly if new sites don't have it. When we open it, we first have some information about the report schedule and name.

Next Step is to choose the fields you want in the report as well as conditions. By default, this report will give you the Title, URL and Description of all the sites who have no description.

In my case, I want to also add the Owner of the site, so I know who to contact incase a site is missing a description. So by using the new column button, I added Owners to the list of buttons I want in the report.

In the next step, I will choose the targets where I want to run the report. On this step you basically decide what Site Collection you want to check.

After clicking next, the report took less than a second to run and showed me all of the sites without a description as well as their owners. Unfortunately, I only see the name of the owner and not username, so this could become a problem if you have thousands of John Smiths who don't put in their description. However, Aquaforest has informed me they will make this available in the next update.

You can easily export the report to PDF/CSV to follow up on it. If we go to the next tab, we have the option to schedule this report to run every day, or every hour. This will be useful, so we're alerted when a site gets created without a description, so instead of having a monthly task to check all the company Governance, we can be proactive about it and get it fixed before it becomes an issue. For the sake of this review, I made it run every 2 minutes.

However, for alerts to work, you have to enable them in the next step. Here you have the choice if you want the alert to show on the dashboard, and if you want to receive an email if it fails, and also if you want the report attached or not. Since the site description is an important part of the company governance policy, I decided to activate all and get an email if more than one site doesn't have it.

Two minutes later, the report ran and I now see the alert on my dashboard. S

When you click on the alert, you are able to see the history of the last runs, as well as the results and easily export them to CSV or PDF. As you can see, as soon as one of my users entered their description, the numbers of row went from 4 to 3.

If you want to create your own Report, you simply click the new report button in the bottom bar. First thing you will have to choose if it's report that will run on List/Library, User, Site or Document. In this example, I want to see all the document libraries where a document was not modified in the last 1 year. (Or 10 days for this demoJ). Afterwards, I created my conditions as well as columns that I wanted.

And I selected my targets. I added another connection to an Office365 tenant that I manage, so this report will search in both.

And, as you can see we found a few old lists that haven't been used in a while!

The report is now in the Report Gallery and ready to be run.

Another useful report can for example be, finding if a certain user has any documents checked out to him before he quits the company. I did this report in a few seconds and now I can see if Vlad's account has any checked out files and tell him to check in his modification before his final days.

Some other useful Out of the box reports include:

  • Duplicate Documents
  • PDFs that are not fully searchable (PDF files, where the text in them is not actual text, but kind of an image).
  • Lists with items above X number of items


SharePoint is one of the most, if not the most popular intranet platform in the world, and there is a lot of pressure on the SharePoint Administrators to keep it running, as well as make sure that the sites / site collections and even content respect the company Governance Plan and are in good shape. With the rise of the hybrid SharePoint deployments, SharePoint administrators will have a lot more to take care about and that is why they might need an Administration or reporting tool to help them know what shape their farm is in, and if anything needs to be corrected. The best SharePoint admin is the one that end users don't have to contact, because he finds the problems before his users do.

In this blog post I did a review of the CheckPoint SharePoint Administration Tool by Aquaforest and found it extremely easy to use and pretty powerful. I have reviewed the first version of the software that included 13 reports and a lot of ways to customize your own reports, and found everything included worked out very smoothly and I was able to create reports with many things that could save me a helpdesk call later on. There are some small things that would be nice to have in the reporting, such as user name instead of display name of the user, but overall the tool can be very helpful for today's SharePoint admin that only has one on-premises farm to manage, as well as tomorrow's SharePoint Admin who will have to manage both on-premises and Office365 farms.

To learn more about CheckPoint, visit their site by clicking on the logo below.

by Vlad Catrinescu via Everyone's Blog Posts - SharePoint Community

Review of the Aquaforest CheckPoint SharePoint Administration Tool

With over 65 000 customers ,125 million licenses, and 80% of fortune 500 using it, Microsoft SharePoint is one of the most used collaboration and intranet platforms in the world. With that many users, and companies relying on SharePoint, the SharePoint admins behind every company’s farm must make sure the farm is always working properly and the users are happy. However, the surge in SharePoint usage often gives rise to “SharePoint Sprawl” which is a significant challenge for those tasked with management and administration.

Furthermore, with the rise of Hybrid SharePoint deployments, where the SharePoint admin now has to manage both the internal, on-premises SharePoint farm, as well as the Office 365 SharePoint Sites. To ease the SharePoint Administrator’s task, and to help him prevent problems before they happen, Aquaforest created a product called Checkpoint. Before we go into the review, here is a description of the product from the company’s website.


Aquaforest CheckPoint is a SharePoint Governance tool that is designed to monitor and report various details from an organization’s SharePoint farm. It supports both On Premise and Cloud SharePoint installations. It connects to SharePoint remotely, as a result you do not have to install it on the same machine as your SharePoint server and one installation can serve multiple SharePoint farms.

Aquaforest CheckPoint helps Identify Issues including:
  • Duplicate Files
  • Very Large Files
  • Legacy Office Documents
  • Non-Searchable PDFs
  • Obsolete Content
  • Non-Standards Compliance
  • Newly Created sites, Lists and Libraries
  • Many other issues

Aquaforest CheckPoint Review

First thing to note is that CheckPoint is a client application, so I was able to install it on my laptop. After installation, I was prompted to enter the first Site Collection I wanted to manage. Each site collection is called a “Connection” and you cannot connect to a Web Application or a Farm.

After you create your first connection, and every time in the future when you open the application, you go directly to the dashboard. The dashboard is where you can see all your current connections, reports and alerts. Alerts will need to be configured, so that is why we don’t have any yet!

When we go into a connection, we are able to see the Subsites, Lists & libraries, Users, Groups, Permissions and Content Types.

When you go on one of the items, such as a list, or a person, you can view all its properties. A bit like SharePoint Manager, but without having to be logged in on the server.

Now, let’s take a look in the Reports section. The Reports section in my opinion is the heart of the product and is the section that brings the most value. There are thirteen reports out of the box, however you can add custom ones that fit your business needs. Here are the ones included out of the box.

Let’s take a simple one, such the empty site description. Having a site description for every site, can be a part of the company governance policy and as the SharePoint Admin, you need to find out regularly if new sites don’t have it. When we open it, we first have some information about the report schedule and name.

Next Step is to choose the fields you want in the report as well as conditions. By default, this report will give you the Title, URL and Description of all the sites who have no description.

In my case, I want to also add the Owner of the site, so I know who to contact incase a site is missing a description. So by using the new column button, I added Owners to the list of buttons I want in the report.

In the next step, I will choose the targets where I want to run the report. On this step you basically decide what Site Collection you want to check.

After clicking next, the report took less than a second to run and showed me all of the sites without a description as well as their owners. Unfortunately, I only see the name of the owner and not username, so this could become a problem if you have thousands of John Smiths who don’t put in their description. However, Aquaforest has informed me they will make this available in the next update.

You can easily export the report to PDF/CSV to follow up on it. If we go to the next tab, we have the option to schedule this report to run every day, or every hour. This will be useful, so we’re alerted when a site gets created without a description, so instead of having a monthly task to check all the company Governance, we can be proactive about it and get it fixed before it becomes an issue. For the sake of this review, I made it run every 2 minutes.

However, for alerts to work, you have to enable them in the next step. Here you have the choice if you want the alert to show on the dashboard, and if you want to receive an email if it fails, and also if you want the report attached or not. Since the site description is an important part of the company governance policy, I decided to activate all and get an email if more than one site doesn’t have it.

Two minutes later, the report ran and I now see the alert on my dashboard. S

When you click on the alert, you are able to see the history of the last runs, as well as the results and easily export them to CSV or PDF. As you can see, as soon as one of my users entered their description, the numbers of row went from 4 to 3.

If you want to create your own Report, you simply click the new report button in the bottom bar. First thing you will have to choose if it’s report that will run on List/Library, User, Site or Document. In this example, I want to see all the document libraries where a document was not modified in the last 1 year. (Or 10 days for this demoJ). Afterwards, I created my conditions as well as columns that I wanted.

And I selected my targets. I added another connection to an Office365 tenant that I manage, so this report will search in both.

And, as you can see we found a few old lists that haven’t been used in a while!

The report is now in the Report Gallery and ready to be run.

Another useful report can for example be, finding if a certain user has any documents checked out to him before he quits the company. I did this report in a few seconds and now I can see if Vlad’s account has any checked out files and tell him to check in his modification before his final days.

Some other useful Out of the box reports include:

  • Duplicate Documents
  • PDFs that are not fully searchable (PDF files, where the text in them is not actual text, but kind of an image).
  • Lists with items above X number of items


SharePoint is one of the most, if not the most popular intranet platform in the world, and there is a lot of pressure on the SharePoint Administrators to keep it running, as well as make sure that the sites / site collections and even content respect the company Governance Plan and are in good shape. With the rise of the hybrid SharePoint deployments, SharePoint administrators will have a lot more to take care about and that is why they might need an Administration or reporting tool to help them know what shape their farm is in, and if anything needs to be corrected. The best SharePoint admin is the one that end users don’t have to contact, because he finds the problems before his users do.

In this blog post I did a review of the CheckPoint SharePoint Administration Tool by Aquaforest and found it extremely easy to use and pretty powerful. I have reviewed the first version of the software that included 13 reports and a lot of ways to customize your own reports, and found everything included worked out very smoothly and I was able to create reports with many things that could save me a helpdesk call later on. There are some small things that would be nice to have in the reporting, such as user name instead of display name of the user, but overall the tool can be very helpful for today’s SharePoint admin that only has one on-premises farm to manage, as well as tomorrow’s SharePoint Admin who will have to manage both on-premises and Office365 farms.

To learn more about CheckPoint, visit their site by clicking on the logo below.

The post Review of the Aquaforest CheckPoint SharePoint Administration Tool appeared first on Absolute SharePoint Blog by Vlad Catrinescu.

by Vlad Catrinescu via Absolute SharePoint Blog by Vlad Catrinescu
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