Monday, July 30, 2018

ExCM Extranet Online Beta Available Now!

ExCM Extranet OnlineOur customers have been asking for quite a while when would have a SaaS version of Extranet Collaboration Manager (ExCM) available.  Good news for those that have been waiting – we’ve just launched the beta and are hoping to go into production by early Fall!

The on-premises version of ExCM has been in use around the world since 2007 and has been our most popular product here at PremierPoint Solutions.  Organizations have loved its combination of features that provide for a highly-secure, highly-private, and easy-to-use B2B extranet platform.  We’ve worked hard to bring all of these same features into a Software as a Service version that offers all of the benefits of the cloud.

Here are some of the unique benefits of ExCM Extranet Online:
  • Runs in Azure and integrated with Azure AD.
  • Comprehensive corporate branding and identity gives you the ability to assure and impress your external users such as customers, vendors and other business partners.
  • Dedicated, single-tenant databases ensures you get maximum security and privacy for your extranet content.
  • Full control and ownership of your external user accounts and permissions so you can add/change/delete access at any time.
  • Self-service Request Portal that empowers end users to request new extranet sites and request automated administrative actions – and provides you the oversight and governance you need.
  • Stops confusion and privacy problems that occur due to the difficult to control nature of SharePoint’s “Share”, “Shared With”, and “People Picker” features.
  • The possibility to migrate your content from your on-premises SharePoint-based extranet – including your FBA (forms-based authentication) external user accounts.
  • Support and customization services provide by out U.S.-based engineers who have years of experience with B2B extranets.
If you would like to join the beta, hop over to our ExCM Extranet Online page and click on the “Try Now” link to sign up:


Or, to read more about the unique ExCM Extranet Online features, go here.

by (Jeff Cate) via SharePoint Solutions Blog

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