Monday, December 14, 2015

Retriving all the workflows from MOSS 2007 site using Powershell Script

Hi All,

If you would like to retrieve all the workflow which is running in Moss 2007 you can use below PS script to list out all the workflow in CSV file.

#Load SharePoint 2007 Assemblies
[void][system.reflection.assembly]::load("Microsoft.sharepoint, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=71e9bce111e9429c")

# Script variables
$date = get-date -format "yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm"

# Workflow Variables
$WFExport = "c:\\scripts\\exports\\Workflows_$date.csv"

# Main Body
# Creating Export File
out-file -filepath $WFExport -inputobject "|"

# Looping through Web Applications, Site Collections, Webs and Lists
$Farm = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPFarm]::Local
$Service = $Farm.Services | Where{$_.TypeName -eq "Windows SharePoint Services Web Application"}
$WebApps = $Service.WebApplications
Foreach ($WebApp in $WebApps)
$Sites = $WebApp.Sites
Foreach ($Site in $Sites)
$Webs = $Site.AllWebs
Foreach ($Web in $Webs)
$Lists = $Web.Lists
Foreach ($List in $Lists)
$Workflows = $List.WorkflowAssociations
Foreach ($Workflow in $Workflows)
If ($Workflow.Name -notlike "Previous Version*")
out-file -filepath $WFExport -append -inputobject($Workflow.Name + "|" + $Workflow.InternalName + "|"+ $WebApp.Name + "|" + $Site.RootWeb.Title + "|" + $Web.Title + "|" + $Web.URL + "|" + $List.Title + "|")

Happy Coding !!

Pankaj Srivastava

by Pankaj Srivastava via Everyone's Blog Posts - SharePoint Community

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