Tuesday, December 15, 2015

SharePoint Customization, an Expensive Choice! - Time to Use Plug and Play Add-ins

We still keep hearing that there are several SharePoint development projects that are shelved or shut down for various reasons and that made me write this blog today to summarize some commonalities in them and how to overcome. Why is this failure rate still high with SharePoint customizations, how is a development on SharePoint different from other technologies and what are the “must knows” of getting your customizations right and successful. Here are some fundamental reasons that come to my mind and I call them the “Reasons that make SharePoint Customization an Expensive Choice”. These apply to any development process, but even more for SharePoint, for changing the implementation process half way is difficult here and a patch will always the weak link in the build of a system.

Reason #1 Clear Definition & Understanding - A good start is half the work done but a half thought work, an invitation to disaster.

Reason #2 Right Technology Partner to deliver - It takes two to Tango 

Reason #3 Timeline to create value – Rome was not built in a day

Reason #4 Creating WOW factor with user experience - Design is not just what it looks and feels like. Design is how it works.

Reason #5 Achieving the return on investment – Weigh in the costs to the value adds.

Read more details on each reason: http://bit.ly/SharePoint-5-Reasons

What reasons you think, SharePoint becomes an expensive Choice? 

It is high time, we, SharePoint enthusiasts, develop and foster a culture of Read-to-Use Add-ins. These Add-ins help Developers, Architects and Organisations to boost their effectiveness for both on-premise and online infra. These Add-ins helps us to participate in developing a better and secure architect. Working towards Digital Transformation and Digital Business.

Share your views on boosting the SharePoint effectiveness, yet, being economical and competitive.

by Chintan Pala via Everyone's Blog Posts - SharePoint Community

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