Monday, March 21, 2016

Often used PowerShell Command for SharePoint Administrator.

PowerShell is vital governance tools for SharePoint.

These are the some PowerShell commands Every Administrator Should know.

Add PowerShell to ISE.

Command:  Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell

1. Find an error from Correlation ID.

Command:  get-splogevent | ?{$_.Correlation -eq "<Correlation ID>"} | select  Category, Level, EventID,Message | Format-List > C:\Correlationerror.log

This Command list error message with Category, Level, EventID, Message in “C” drive by correlationerror name in notepad

2. Creating Site collection.

Command:  New-SPSite -Url "Your site url" -Name "MyTesting Site" -Template "STS#0" -OwnerAlias "Domain\owner" -Language 1033

This example creates an English site collection owned by owner with Team Site Template. Lots of parameter can add as per requirement.

3. Restore a deleted site collection.

Command:  Get-SPDeletedSite

This command lists all deleted site with WebApplicationId, DatabaseID, SiteSubscriptionID, SiteID, Path, Scheme, Url, DeletionTime parameter.

Restore-SPDeletedSite –Identity SiteID

Find Respective SiteID of deleted site collection from Get-SPDeletedSite

 and replace it to Restore-SPDeletedSite –Identity SiteID.

4. Export SharePoint List and library.

Command:  export-spweb -identity http://mytestsite -path c:\listName.cmp -itemurl   /Lists/EmployeeDetails –includeusersecurity  

http://mytestsiteà site collection name.

EmployeeDetails à List name.

c:\listName.cmp à save In C drive by listName with .cmp Extention.

5.Import SharePoint List

Command:  Import-SPWeb -identity "http:// mytestsite " -path c:\listName.cmp –force

"http:// mytestsite "  is Site collection name where have to  import.

c:\listName.cmp is path from where we have to import listName.

6. Backup SharePoint Site Collection.

Command:  Backup-SPSite –Identity http://MySiteCollection/ -Path C:\Backup\MysiteCollection.bak -Verbose

Note: Verbose use to see progress

7. Restore SharePoint Site Collection.

Command:  Restore-SPSite –Identity http://MySiteCollection/ -Path C:\Backup\MysiteCollection.bak -Force -Verbose

8. Backup SharePoint Farm

Command:  Backup-SPFarm -BackupMethod Full –Directory C:\FarmBackup\SPFarm

Note: Above command Backups the entire database.


Command:  Backup-SPFarm -BackupMethod Differential –Directory C:\FarmBackup\SPFarm

Note: Backs up only the changes made to the database since the last full backup. The differential backup method cannot be used to back up Index databases or Document Libraries. The Full backup method must be used to back up these resources

9. Restore SharePoint Farm

Command:  Restore-SPFarm -Directory C:\FarmBackup -RestoreMethod overwrite

10. Add Solution àAdds a SharePoint solution package to the farm.

Command:  Add-SPSolution C:\customsolution.wsp

C is directory and customsolution.wsp  is solution name.

11. Install SharePoint Solution  à Deploy the SharePoint Solution in the Farm.

Command:  Install-SPSolution –Identity customsolution.wsp –WebApplication http://webapplicationsite  –GACDeployment

Note: If you are using the GAC or Code Access Security, Specify  either –GACDeployment or –CASPolicies.

 –WebApplication parameter applies for particular web application.

 If have to apply for all web application use –AllWebApplications (Hope manifest allow this) Or don’t add –WebApplication parameter. You can also use –Force parameter to force the deployment.

12. Uninstall SharePoint solution

Command:  Uninstall-SPSolution –Identity customsolution.wsp –WebApplication http://webapplicationsite

13. Update SharePoint Solution

Command:  Update-SPSolution –Identity customsolution.wsp –LiteralPath C:\customsolution.wsp –GACDeployment

14. Remove SharePoint Solution.

Command:  Remove-SPSolution –Identity customsolution.wsp

15. Uploads a new sandboxed solution package to the solution gallery.

Command:  Add-SPUserSolution –LiteralPath c:\customsandboxsolution.wsp –Site http://mysitecollection

16. Deploy Sandboxed solution.

Command:  Install-SPUserSolution –Identity customsandboxsolution.wsp –Site http://mysitecollection

17. Upgrade existing Sandboxed solution.

Command:  Update-SPUserSolution –Identity customsandboxsolution.wsp –Site http://mysitecollection ToSolution customsandboxsolution2.wsp

18. Uninstall Sandboxed Solution.

Command:  Uninstall-SPUserSolution –Identity customsandboxsolution.wsp –Site http://mysitecollection

19. Remove Sandboxed solution package from the solution gallery.

Command:  Remove-SPUserSolution –Identity customsandboxsolution.wsp –Site http://mysitecollection

20. Enable SharePoint Features

Command:  Enable-SPFeature –Identity FeatureNameOrGUID –Url http://your site name

21. Disable SharePoint Features

Command:  Disable-SPFeature –Identity FeatureNameOrGUID –Url http://your site name

by Amir Reza via Everyone's Blog Posts - SharePoint Community

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