Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Upcoming changes in license types and price for DFFS

The following changes to the Dynamic forms for SharePoint license types (and prices) will take effect on April 1, 2016.

New SITE license

The entry level license for DFFS will be scoped to a single SITE. This new license will be priced at $50.

You can buy as many as these as you like, but if you need more than 5 within the same site collection, you should go for a SITE COLLECTION license.

Changed price on the SITE COLLECTION license

The new price on the SITE COLLECTION license will be $250.

The reason for this relatively large increase in price on the SITE COLLECTION license is basically that I have priced this to low from the very beginning.

The current price simply doesn’t cover the time I spend supporting and developing the solution.

This change will NOT be applied retroactively, and will therefore not affect SITE COLLECTION licenses purchased prior to this date.

Partner program

From the same date these changes take effect, I’ll update the “reward program / partner program” to let individual consultants or other companies register as partners.

More information about the “application” for partners will be published soon.

The “Consultant license” will no longer be in use after this change takes effect.


Partner that conveys the sale of a SITE COLLECTION (or better) license will be eligible to receive a 10% payback. This payback requires the partner to be registered prior to the purchase, and requires a PayPal account (to receive the payback).

by Alexander Bautz via SharePoint JavaScripts

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